Chapter 9

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

I left Liam's flat a little later with a smile. I had convinced him to keep dancing with me. I didn't know what had made me do it; go over there and talk to him. Something was just pushing me there, pushing me to make him change his mind. He'd seemed nervous when I told him I wanted to talk about "us," but why? Was he scared I moved on? That was ridiculous, he wanted me to. He told me to.

On some level, yes, I did like Liam. He was sweet, charming, and it was kind of adorable how hard he was on himself.

But on another level, I couldn't let him in more than I had. My walls were built, they weren't going to fall. I knew that. Because I wouldn't let them. Liam was never going to be anything more than my dance partner and, maybe someday, my friend.

I sighed as I looked at the coffee cup my palms were circling in an attempt to warm up. My mind was just a blur. I couldn't focus when I was like this. I took a sip, letting the caramel latte fill me up and spread warmth to the tips of my fingers and toes. Kind of the way I felt when Liam was near me.

There I was again. I needed to get out of this mindset. Thinking about Liam as more than what he was wasn't good. It was just going to ruin what we had.

I sighed and stood up to throw my cup away. I began to walk home, but the cold winter air blowing against me made my breath catch in my throat. I sat at a bench on the sidewalk and took deep breaths, trying to regain steady breathing.


I looked up as my teeth chattered. Harry was standing in front of me with his girlfriend, Claire I was pretty sure.

"H-hi," I said, the cold making me stutter. Well I was in jeggings, a sweater and TOMs with a gray scarf. I wasn't exactly dressed for the storm that was obviously coming.

"You must be freezing!" Claire said coming to wrap her arm around me and stand me up. "You're coming home with us. We have to get you warm."

"N-no you d-don't have t-to," I said as my teeth chattered.

"Yes we do," Harry said taking off his winter coat. "Here put this on."

He threw it around me and I clutched it around me as warmth began to spread through my body.

We walked, them on either side of me, keeping warmth around me. Finally, we reached their flat and they let me inside.

"Harry turn the heat up," Claire said as we walked in. "I'll get her some clothes."

"D-don't bother," I said. "I w-won't fit in a-anything you have."

"Try me," she smiled leading me to her room. I didn't know how she planned on squeezing my thighs and stomach into her tops and pants.

"OK here," she said tossing me a pair of black pants. "They're like the best sweats ever but all they had was a large. And here's this."

She threw a sweatshirt back to me and I looked at the white sweatshirt reading "PARIS."

"French fan sent it. Grabbed the wrong size," Claire said. "Comfy though. I'll let you change."

She closed the door behind her and I was frozen in shock. She was being nice to me? After everything I did to all of them? There was no way Delia hadn't told them everything.

I changed into the sweats and sweatshirt as thunder boomed outside. I looked out the window and saw the sky filled with dark clouds. Lightning was flashing in the distance as rain pounded on the window.

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