Chapter 25

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

"How the hell do you do this Delia?" I muttered to myself as I checked my recipe again. This couldn't be right could it? Were the potatoes supposed to be smoking like that?

The smoke detector of the flat began to beep loudly and relentlessly. I swore and I hit it with the broom head for the fifth time that night. This wasn't what was supposed to be happening. I was trying to make a nice dinner for Liam since he was coming home after a month of being on tour. He was on a break now, coming home tonight. I'd missed him horribly and so I thought I should make something that wasn't takeout for dinner. That's all he had on tour, he needed a home-cooked meal.

Delia had given me a few tips, but all I had succeeded in doing was causing my smoke detector to go off, fill the room with smoke no matter how many windows I opened, and cause my hair to frizz out because of the steam. How on earth did Delia do this?

Brit kept running in and back out, trying to get me to play with her. I kept ignoring her, hoping she would give up and just sit in the living room, but this just made her hop up on her back legs and place her front ones on my thigh.

"Brit I can't play with you now," I sighed. "Go lie down."

She cocked her head to the side before walking into the living room and leaving me to a pan of burned butter. Who knew butter burned so quickly?

"For fuck's sake!" I raged throwing the pan into the sink.

"What's wrong love?" I heard a soft chuckle. I spun around and there was Liam, looking around the messy, smoky kitchen with an amused smile on his face.

"You're home!" I said running around to him and holding him tightly.

"Yes love," he laughed softly. "What'd you do, chase a tornado through here?"

"No," I stuck my tongue out at him. "I was trying to cook a nice meal for you...trying being the operative word. I'm sorry, I knew you must be sick of takeout so I tried to cook and...well as you can see, I'm no chef." He laughed and kissed the top of my head as I said, "So I guess I'll get the menus."

"Hang on," he said. "Delia and Zayn invited us over for dinner."

"Oh thank God," I sighed in relief.

He laughed and said, "We'll leave in five."

"Mk," I said kissing his lips lightly. "I'm so glad you're home."

"I'm glad too," he smiled. "It's not home if you aren't there."

I smiled and kissed him again before racing to put on my white converse. We went to Zayn and Delia's and Zayn welcomed us in.

"How come when I try and cook my smoke detector goes off and my kitchen is smoky, but when you cook it just smells amazing?" I asked entering the kitchen.

Delia looked over from the stove and smiled. "Hey! And I don't know, maybe I just know what I'm doing."

"That's probably it," I smiled at the ginger girl. Her hair was piled up into a bun on her head as she cooked. "What's on the menu?"

"It's pot roast and pilaf with salad," she said.

"You're amazing I swear. I was feeling so horrible because I feel like all Liam eats on tour is pizza and takeout and I failed at making a suitable dinner," I said.

She laughed and said, "Not really. They go out to fancy restaurants and such sometimes...but you're right, a lot of the time it's takeout. Hey wait...unintentional twinning!"

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