Chapter 16

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Isabelle's P.O.V.


I moaned softly, not wanting to move from my comfortable position in which I was sleeping.

"Isabelle come on."

"Shut up Liam," I mumbled softly.

He laughed softly and said, "Love the plane's landed."

"Oh," I said as I sat up. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize," he said kissing my forehead.

I couldn't believe how much I had grown to care for Liam. He was the nicest guy I had ever met, so kind and selfless. He said he wanted to kill Zayn for moving their show back, and I knew that he truly cared for each and every one of their fans. He was truly dedicated to them and he'd do anything to keep them happy.

"Wait, wait," he said before we could get off the plane.

"What?" I asked.

"You want to have some fun?" he asked.

"As in?"

"As in, get off at different times, walk out of the airport at different times so the media gets really confused as to why I showed up with a girlfriend but walked out without her?" he grinned mischievously.

"OK," I smiled. "Where are we meeting and how am I supposed to get there?"

"Oh I'm going to have one of the lads come and pick us up," he said. "Just walk away from the paps, and find the black range rover somewhere near the airport. Alright let's do this."

He grabbed his stuff and walked off the plane as I blinked. How was I supposed to find the right black range rover? I waited for a few moments as people walked out behind Liam before I myself walked off the plane. I grabbed my bag from baggage claim and I saw Liam walking out as the paparazzi went absolutely crazy. They were taking pictures, shouting questions, wondering where and who I was.

I finally walked outside into their waiting arms.

"Is that her?" someone shouted.

"What's your name?"

"Are you dating Liam?"

"Why aren't you with him?"

Questions were shouted at me as I pushed through their masses, head low with my hair covering my face. I walked and walked and waited for them to get away, but they were so persistent. I was feeling so self-conscious, so pressured, I felt like I was going to cry.


I looked over and saw an open door with Zayn calling me. I ran over and jumped in and Louis sped away quickly before the paparazzi could realize what had happened.

"I'm so sorry," Liam said bringing me to him. "That was a stupid idea. I wasn't thinking."

"Obviously," Zayn said. "I mean honestly Liam, the only person we could pull that with is Delia."

They all laughed as they realized it was true. I knew now that Delia was the type who spoke her mind to anyone about anything and she would physically fight you until she won. And that she never lost fights.

Which was why she and Zayn were still in the argument over who won their bet about me and Liam together. Liam had said Zayn was the only one who could break her normally, but she was stubborn about this one.

We reached their venue and got out. Media wasn't there, but there were fans.



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