Chapter 24

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Liam's P.O.V.

"I'm not sure I like this," I said. Isabelle had blindfolded me the second we'd gotten in the car and now she was driving me to who knows where.

She laughed and I smiled. I loved her laugh. I loved making her laugh. It made me feel good to know I made her as happy as she made me.

"You'll like it. I promise," she said. I sat back and waited for the car to come to a complete stop before she got out and came around. "Alright grab my hand," she said. I took her hand and she shut the door behind me and began to lead me. She led me up some stairs which confused me before I heard her open a door and walk me inside. "Alright take your blindfold off."

I untied the knot and pulled it off. We were in Gigi's studio with the curtains drawn over the windows so it was more intimate.

"What are we doing here?" I asked her.

"Well I was here for rehearsal a few months ago," she began. "And I realized how meaningful this place is. It's just a dingy dance studio, but it's so much more.

"That door," she gestured to the door we had just come through. "To everyone else, it's just a door, just another barrier before they enter into the studio. That's what it was for me. But that's the door you walked through in December. That's how you opened the door into my life...and my heart.

"Those windows," she gestured to the curtain drawn windows. "I watched you coming late to class a few times. And at first I was so annoyed you were late. But after a while, I was just happy you were there.

"This was where we met. This was where our story began. This was where everything started with us. Can I just ask one thing of you before we leave here?"

"Of course," I answered, still in awe that she had just run through everything that had brought us here. It had never occurred to me that if it weren't for this studio and my loneliness on a cold February night, I wouldn't have met her. I would have never known a love stronger than Dani and mine.

"Liam," she began as her phone began to play a song. She held her hand out to me. "Dance with me? For old time's sake."

I smiled. "Of course."

I took her hand and drew her to me. I felt the same electricity pulsing through my body. We began to Rumba as the music came through the speakers.

If you were falling

Then I would catch you

You need a light

I'd find a match

'Cause I love the way you say good morning

And you take me the way I am

If you are chilly

Here take my sweater

Your head is aching

I'd make it better

'Cause I love the way you call me baby

And you take me the way I am

I'd buy you Rogane

When you start losing all your hair

Sew on patches

To all you tear

'Cause I love you more than I could ever promise

And you take me the way I am

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