Chapter 19

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

I didn't even know where I was going as I slammed Liam's flat door behind me and began to run. My tears were blinding me, making everything blurry and hard to make out. I just knew I had to get away from the lies and pain.

Another girlfriend. Who would have thought? I wondered if she knew about me. Probably not. I assumed she wouldn't be OK with him dating two girls either.

The more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed. Liam wasn't that kind of guy. Liam was loyal. Liam was honest. He didn't strike me as the kind of guy who played girls like that.

But that picture...I supposed it could have been true that he had just shoved it in there, unable to part with it. But really, who put something they didn't want to see any more in their nightstand drawer?

I didn't know where to go. I wanted to go to Delia's, but she was so close to Liam that it wouldn't surprise me if they were all lying for him. I had never felt so lost.

But I didn't just feel lost, I felt alone.

Being with Liam made me feel whole and now it was like there was a giant piece of me missing now that he was gone. Even the other lads and the girls had become a part of who I was, but I couldn't go back there.

It was strange how one realization could knock me down. I was on a high when I was with Liam for those two months. Those two months had been the best I'd ever had and now, I was back to feeling the way I had when mum had left.

I couldn't take this.

I went to a few stores before finally heading home and popping three bags of popcorn and putting them in a large bowl before parking myself on the couch and crying over chick flicks as I ate my way through my popcorn.

This wasn't what I had thought I was getting into. But this was exactly what I had known would happen if Liam and I got involved.

Hadn't I known from the beginning that he was just waiting to play me like a guitar? Hadn't I known that being with him was only going to hurt me?

I had, and I felt so stupid as I sat there, watching Savannah and John write letters back and forth. I had known all along, that I shouldn't have gotten involved with him and what had I done?

I'd gone and fallen in love with him.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Delia!" I yelled as I opened her and Zayn's door with a key they'd given me.

"What?" she asked looking up from the book she was reading on the couch.

"I need you to stop me from jumping off of a cliff," I said flopping down next to her.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Isabelle is done with me. She left," I said, feeling like I was going to burst into tears again.

"What?" she gasped. "Start from the beginning."

I began to tell her everything, beginning from when we'd first arrived at my flat.

"And then she just left," I finally finished.

She was silent before she said, "I know you're expecting me to tell you you're an idiot because that's what I've done this whole time, but this isn't your fault."

"I just feel like an idiot because she's right," I said. "Who keeps something they don't want to see again in their nightstand drawer?"

"An idiot," she said.

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