Chapter 21

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Thanks for going with me Claire," I said as we got back to the hotel. "I think I just needed to talk to someone."

"Of course Liam," she smiled. "I'm always here for you."

I had gone to coffee with the petite blonde. Delia and Zayn were visiting his parents while we had a break and I had needed to talk to someone.

I told her about how much I was missing Isabelle, how much I needed her here with me. I knew there had to be something I could do, but Claire was insistent that there wasn't.

I wasn't the same without Isabelle. Isabelle was the one who had gotten me out of the rut I was in after losing Dani. She had something special and I couldn't believe I had let her go. I hated not having her.

Fans had been tweeting me all the time, asking what had happened with us. I'd seen fans who were horrified we were done. They had loved us together. I saw fans who were happy we weren't together because they thought either a) I should be with Dani still, or b) I should be dating anyone smaller than a size 6. Or at least that's how I saw it.

I still loved her. I loved her with all of my heart and soul. She had been the reason I'd gotten up in the morning. The first person I thought of. The only one I wanted to see. I had been living on top of the world when we were together and I could hold her near to me. I lived for the moments I could hug her and kiss her and when I used to fall asleep with her in my arms, it was bliss.

But now, it was torture. I couldn't stand not being with her. I needed her. I couldn't handle this.

"Liam are you listening to me?" Harry asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry. What?" I asked.

"I'll tell you how to get her back," he said. "Come here."

I followed him intrigued to his and Claire's hotel room. Claire had gone to talk to Danielle and so we were alone.

"OK I know how to get her back," he said.

"How?" I asked. "And why haven't you told me before now?"

"Because I thought you could figure it out on your own. Apparently, I was wrong."

I give him a hard look and he said, "Sorry but it's true. Now you have to make her feel special. Obviously, as One Direction, we do that by singing."

"OK," I said. "But when, where, and how am I supposed to do this?"

"That's on you. You can just surprise her at her flat, wait until a huge event and do something in front of a huge crowd, anything. But make her feel like she's the only girl in the world and she'll have to come back to you."

Was he crazy? Isabelle hated me for something she thought I did. Singing to her was not going to make this better.

"Harry Styles you're ridiculous," I shook my head. "Just because I make her feel special, doesn't take away everything she's assumed and the reason she left."

He shrugged. "Alright don't take my advice. But it will work."

I shook my head as he turned on the TV.

"Liam Payne of One Direction was seen out today with a new girl. We still don't know this story with the breakup of him and ex-girlfriend Isabelle Mayling, but he seems to be doing fine now!"

"Are you kidding me?" Harry started laughing. "Someone's desperate for a story."

He was right.

Honestly, everyone knew that was Claire walking next to me, not some "new girl."

Isabelle's P.O.V.

"5, 6, 7, 8. Excellent," Gigi said as David and I finished our steps. She showed us the next bit and we worked out.

Some elements were part of my dance with Liam and that made me feel awful. I missed him horribly. I wanted him back. But now I knew he'd moved on with that blonde.

As if reacting to my thoughts, my arm seared and I had to hold back a hiss of pain as my cuts burned. That Saturday had been an awful one. I had been reminiscing, missing Liam more and more by the second and I get home and see him with that girl. I hadn't been able to be strong anymore and I had broken down and now my arm was a graveyard of cuts.

I hadn't been thinking. I was in a numb state. I was pretty sure I was so out of it, I hadn't even realized what I was doing. I was just going. I didn't even think about it.

Now the weather was warming up and I was still in long sleeves. I was regretting having done it. I just wanted to go back and break something rather than doing this.

But how could he have just...moved on? Did he think that little of me, that not a month later he had found someone else? Had he even loved me?

Then, a sickening thought had entered my mind.

Did management make him date me?

The boys had told me that some things had been set-up by management. Certain outings, certain pictures that had been caught, they were organized by their management. But could relationships be ordered? No. I hated to think like that. I wanted to think Liam had been with me because he wanted to.

But it had been good for the band's image for him to be seen with a fuller figured girl...

No. Don't think like that. You're going to hurt yourself again.

But I couldn't think about anything else all night. Liam had seemed to truly care about me. Management couldn't have put him up to that.

But had they put him up to somehow breaking us up? He was adamant that he was innocent though. I had seen he wanted me with him.

I was being stupid. Typical Isabelle overthinking everything. Had I been overthinking when I found that picture in Liam's bedside table?

Thinking back, it was an old picture. Liam had never lied to me about anything...why would he lie about that?

Yes. I had overthought everything that night and look where it got me. Alone in my apartment, my arm searing, feeling sorry for myself and mentally slapping myself for my stupidity while Liam is out moving on. I couldn't believe this. I was such an idiot.

I didn't know what to do anymore. All I had was dancing, but that brought back so many memories of Liam.

I decided to call Delia. I needed some tough love.


"Delia. Can you talk?"

"Yeah Isabelle what's up?" she asked.

"I'm the stupidest girl in the world," I groaned.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I overthink everything!" I said. "I mean, was completely overthinking when I found that picture and I was just considering that maybe management set up the whole thing with Liam and me! How stupid can you get?"

"Isabelle it's OK," she said. "You were upset and you felt betrayed. You jumped to conclusions but that's alright."

"No it's not alright!" I began sobbing. "I lost him forever! I lost the only guy who's ever loved me! I lost the only person I've ever truly loved! And he's moved on!"

"What?" she asked sharply. "What do you mean he's moved on?"

"I mean a few nights ago I saw him with some other girl and they were saying he replaced me!"

"I'll kill him," Delia said. "I swear after everything..." she trailed off mumbling to herself. "I'll talk to you later Isabelle."

The line went dead and I chucked my phone at the carpeted floor and began to sob into my hands. I couldn't take this. I couldn't handle this. I didn't know what Delia was so angry about, but I knew that whatever she was going to do, it was going to be bad.

Liam better watch out.

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