Chapter 5

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

I bit my lip to keep from complaining and Delia's thumb dug into my shoulder. This was torture. There was an icy silence between us as the rest of the girls talked to each other.

I had determined the blonde with hazel eyes was Claire, Harry's girlfriend, Delia was Zayn's girlfriend, the blonde with blue eyes was with Niall, and the brown haired girl was Eleanor who was with Louis.

I was so embarrassed as Delia attacked me in front of everyone. She just stood there and defended herself without letting me do the same.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked quietly.

She stopped and said, "I'm not the one who hated someone enough to make her flatten a box of donuts using her fat butt."

I winced. I had been trying to convince Rachel not to do that. I felt really bad for Delia getting bullied all the time.

"I was trying to stop Rachel. You're the one who made fun of me once you got skinny," I said as the boys came out of the kitchen and the girls stopped talking to listen to us.

"Wanna say that to my face?" I heard her snap.

I stood up and looked at her, softly saying, "I was trying to stop Rachel, Delia I swear. You're the one who made fun of me once you got skinny."

She stood up and got in my face saying, "That was nothing. You really want me to hurt your feelings?"

"N-," was all I got out before she started.

"You think you're so cool because you had friends growing up and I didn't. Think you're so much better than me just because you were thinner for the longest time. I know you think you're just so amazing because you have confidence even though you aren't a size 0. Would you like a medal? Or a trophy? Because I don't give a -,"

"Delia!" Liam interrupted. "Stop it."

She glared at me once before spinning on her heel and walking into the kitchen.

There was an awkward silence filling the room as I whispered, "Um...I guess I'll be going."

"No you don't have to," Liam said.

"Yeah for sure. Just give her some time," Louis said. "She'll calm down and it'll be fine."

I shook my head. "I really think I should go. I'll um...I'll see you on Thursday Liam."

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, wrapping my winter coat around me tightly as I walked into the cold December air.

I felt tears begin to stream down my face as I walked, becoming colder the further I walked. I couldn't believe this. She'd made my life miserable and then, when I finally thought she was gone for good, Delia Rougler just popped back into my life again.

I couldn't stop myself from breaking down again and I sat on a bench and buried my face into my gloved hands and sobbed into them.

I finally stood up and wiped my tears away before continuing the walk home. I had been surprised how close I actually lived to Liam. It actually kind of scared me that either of us could just walk to see the other.

I finally got inside my flat and turned the heater up as I changed into sweats. I sat on my bed, staring blankly at the door before tears welled up again and I was crying alone in my flat, no one there to comfort me, no one who even cared about the heavy girl who was so broken now.

Liam's P.O.V.

The door snapped shut behind Isabelle and with everyone's eyes on me, I stormed into the kitchen where Delia was furiously chopping vegetables for a salad once our pizza got here.

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