Chapter 23

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Liam's P.O.V.

I kept my arm around Isabelle's waist as we walked towards the boat we'd rented for the day. I had kept her close to me ever since her competition where we'd reconnected. I wasn't letting her slip away from me. We'd managed to get through crowds of people safely and now we were sailing away onto the lake.

"Thank God," Delia said as she yanked her tank top off. "I really needed a day off." She slipped her denim shorts off and jumped into the water in her bikini.

"Says the girl who hasn't been on tour for months with jetlag every other day," Zayn said jumping in after his girlfriend.

"Shut up," she laughed as she dunked him under the water. The rest of the lads and girls all stripped down to their suits and dove in after them. Isabelle simply slipped off her shorts and sat on the edge, letting her feet dangle in the cool water. I sat next to her and passed my arm over her shoulders.

"I love you," I said to her.

"I love you too Li," she smiled before pressing her lips to mine.

"Liam come on! Get off your lazy bum and come in! Isabelle you too!" Claire yelled.

"I'm fine!" Isabelle smiled at them.

"I'm fine too!" I agreed right away.

"Liam is something wrong?" Danielle asked. "You're usually like... the first one in the water."

"Liam go on," Isabelle said. "It's OK."

"I don't want to leave you," I said softly.

She smiled. "I'm not going anywhere. You're not leaving me. Now go on."

I smiled and kissed her quickly before tugging my own shirt off and diving into the lake. The cool water refreshed me instantly as I shook my hair out. I dove back in and swam towards the rest of them. Right as I came up, about to gasp for air, my head was forced underwater again. Water filled my throat as I thrashed around, trying to get free from the hand holding me there. Finally, the hand released and I came up coughing and gasping for air.

"Pay up!"

I looked at saw Zayn looking a little annoyed as he swam back to the boat and grabbed his wallet.

"It's in your wallet," he called.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Zayn bet Delia she couldn't hold you under with one hand for more than 10 seconds," Niall laughed.

"He lost," Delia said smugly. "20 pounds."

"20 pounds for my life?!" I said to Zayn.

"Calm down you weren't going to die," Delia rolled her eyes.

I opened my mouth to respond, but a weight caused me to plunge underwater. I shook the weight off me and came.

"Zayn would you quit trying to kill my boyfriend?" I heard Isabelle call.

"Yeah whatever Isabelle," he winked at her. I smacked him for his wink to my girlfriend and we all continued to abuse each other all day.

Almost all of us.

Isabelle's P.O.V.

"Yeah whatever Isabelle," Zayn winked at me. I laughed as Liam smacked him and they continued to screw around. I sighed. Usually I'd be in the water with them, but I couldn't today.

My cuts had pretty much healed, but they were still pink. I was embarrassed about them and after everything I had put them all through, they didn't need one more thing to use against me and I certainly didn't think they needed to know how pathetic I was. I still felt stupid day after day for it.

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