Chapter 17

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Liam's P.O.V.

Liam Payne Steps Out With New Love Interest!

Liam Payne Of One Direction Heading In Another Direction With New Girlfriend!

Isabelliam, The New Couple Of The Moment, ft. Liam Payne!

Cupid's Arrow Hits Liam Payne Yet Again!

The headlines were full of me and Isabelle together. Some were pictures from the airport and some were us after the show. Either way, the world knew and that was how I wanted it. I wanted everyone to know she was mine and that I loved her.

We had a week left until competition. I had finally mastered the routine with Isabelle's help and now, we just had to perfect it. We had been given a break by management so I could get rest that I needed until after competition.

"That's so much better you two!" Gigi praised as we had our last private instruction with her. "Well done! Now, we need to talk about your outfit. Liam, obviously will be in a nice suit and tie. Black suit, and what color would you want your dress to be Isabelle?"

I fully expected her to say red, knowing it was her favorite, but to my surprise she said, "Purple. Like a deep purple."

"OK so Liam, black suit, deep purple tie and Isabelle, your dress needs to be long and open. The skirt should be wide because your dance is dramatic. It needs to flow gorgeously. Hair should be curled and pulled back in a messy sort of bun. It will look really nice, especially with the headpiece I'm ordering.

"OK you two, you're all set. See you next Saturday!" she dismissed us.

"Purple?" I asked Isabelle as we walked back to my flat.

"Problem?" she asked.

"No," I answered. "I'm just surprised. I would have thought you'd have chosen red."

"Well we're not me now, we're us," she said. "You've given me so much. You've shown me that everything I thought I knew was wrong, but never was I so happy to be wrong. You brought me to my best friends, you've brought me a relationship I never could have imagined for myself in a million years. I had to do something in return. I mean that's not all I have in mind, but we have a lot of time right?"

I stopped walking and turned to face her.

"You've given me more than you think," I said, tucking a piece of her dark hair behind her ear. "You helped me move past a love I never thought I could get over. You helped me see how much I need someone there with me. You've given me back every happy feeling and every moment of pure bliss that I never thought I'd ever feel again. You are amazing."

She smiled and stood on her tiptoes to reach my lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have her in my life.

That night after she'd left, I realized how much I needed her. I had the feeling Delia had described when she told me I would know if I loved her. If Isabelle was gone, I didn't feel complete, I didn't feel whole. I felt alone. But when I was with her, nothing else mattered and all I wanted to do was be there with her.

I wasn't letting her go. I wasn't going to let her slip away like I had with Dani. I wasn't putting either of us through that. I didn't want to be with anyone else. I didn't want to love anyone else. Isabelle was going to be mine, forever and always.

I wanted to be with her until my dying day. I wanted her voice to be the first thing I heard when I woke up, her face to be the first one I saw. I wanted to hold her in my arms every day and every night. I just wanted her.

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