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300 AC




Robb was scrubbing and cleaning his horse. His White deserter, just like Grey Wind, loved being pampered by his rider.

Many of his men looked at him strangely. And why wouldn't they? Most kings would never clean their own armour or scrub their own horse. Thinking it was too lowly for them to do so.

But Robb was not like most Kings and he wanted his men to know that. He preferred to clean and scrub his horse, on his own. He thinks, that in doing so, will help him to bond with his mount, just like Grey Wind.

His loyal Squire Olyver had, for many times, tried to persuade his King to stop doing that, saying that it is not proper for a King to scrub his own horse, and that it was his job as a squire. But whatever he said fell on deaf ears as Robb wouldn't budge.

Speaking of Olyver, Robb had to grant his squire a Knighthood soon, as a reward for his services during the war and to his promise to Walder Frey.

As he was scrubbing, a voice behind, shook him out of his task.

"Your Grace". The voice of one of his soldier's, Alyn he remembered, came from behind him.

Robb paused his scrubbing and looked at the soldier.

"What is it Alyn?"

"There is a visitor, Your Grace"

"A visitor" Robb asked confused "From where?".

"From the city, Your Grace" Alyn answered.

"From The city" Robb narrowed his eyes "Have they come with the message of surrender?".

Alyn shook his head "Nay, Your Grace".

"Then I will not meet with him" Robb spats in anger "Tell him to leave, before my men put his head on a spike".

Robb was angry. And why wouldn't he. He had given the city only 12 hours to surrender, before his men launches the attack.

But instead of surrendering. The Royal court had been sending emissaries after emissaries, to his camp, for the last two hours, with messages of re-negotiation of his terms, even though Robb had specifically said that his terms were non-negotiable.

And not only that. The emissaries didn't plead like a defeated opponent. No, instead they had the gall to make demands to him, saying that he is fighting against the rightful King.

"Rightful King my ass" Robb snorted in anger "When I am done with him. He will be king of nothing"

He noticed Alyn still standing there.

"Is there something else, Alyn?" Robb asked.

Alyn looked uncomfortable "The man is not a Lannister emissary, Your Grace" He said hesitantly "He said he came on behalf of The Tyrells"

Robb stirred and turned, pushing thoughts of the conflict within the city from his mind. "The Tyrells?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. "What the fuck do they want now?"

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