Fallin' For You

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The next few days were the most relaxing I’ve had in a while. Each night I’d go on that walk to the beach, Ross always tried to come with me, but I’d insist on going alone, one time I caught him following me. So when I quickly turned a corner I hid behind a bush and when he didn’t see me I jumped out, scaring him. I then proceeded to lecture him on how I need alone time with my thoughts, and how the walk never ceases to calm me down.

Well today celebrates one week of me living with the Lynches, and it’s been a blast so far. I wake up around seven everyday so Riker and I will chill for a few hours till everyone else gets up. It’s great I feel like I’ve bonded a lot with everyone, even Stormie and Mark. Stormie is just the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, and Mark and I have the same sense of humor, we are both constantly trying to embarrass his kids.

I haven’t talked about Derek since the night I found out he had gotten bailed out. I’m in the kitchen making myself a salad when I hear someone’s voice in the living room.

“She was severely beaten—“ My ears perk up at this, are they talking about me? “Sources say she was in an abusive relationship—“ I haven’t told anyone about Derek besides Ross and Riker, unless they spilled my secret… I speed walk out to the living room at the thought. I walk out to find the entire family watching CSI. I stop in my tracks and watch the television. There’s a woman in a lab coat on the screen, talking, it is the voice I heard. “One of the suspects is her uncle, but the prime suspect is her boyfriend—well I guess you could say EX-boyfriend. The one who proves to be the perp will be charged with first degree murder—“ All my senses increase, I can hear a fly across the room, I could easily spot a thumb tack a mile away, I could smell and taste the blood now forming in my mouth from me chewing on the inside of my cheek, and I could feel the deathly cold air as the television revealed a severely beaten, blonde, teenage girl, it was crazy how closely she resembled me on that night of my near death experience. I let out a small gasp as I drop my plate of salad and I myself crash down on the floor and consequently black out.

*Ross POV*

As I listen to the detective describe how this girl was murdered I am constantly thinking of Sydney, but I don’t realize Sydney has come into the room until the dead girl comes on the screen, it is as if they casted Sydney for that roll, they were like twins. I hear a gasp and a crash; I shoot my head over to the noise and see Sydney on the ground, lifeless.

“Sydney!” I run out of my seat.

*Rocky POV*

Man I sure do get into CSI; I never realize all the ways someone can die until I go on a CSI marathon. The woman describes how the victim died; it was due to severe abuse. My mind trailed off there, lately I’ve had a hunch that Sydney may have gone through something like that. The third day she was living here I saw a fairly large bruise on her tricep. Normally I don’t pay attention to bruises, but this one caught my eye because it was my favorite color, Lime green. When I asked her about it she just stammered nervously and pretended like Rydel called her.

I snap back into reality when the dead body comes on the screen. She has very tan skin and pitch black hair. I hear a crash next to me and see Sydney sprawled on the ground. Ross already by her side.

*Sydney POV*

My eyes open, blood running through my head again. I see my legs have been lifted up just for that purpose. Ross is right next to me, holding my hand. I feel weak as I remember what happened to me.

“I think we should call 911” I barely hear Ryland say.

“No!” I quickly sit in an upright position. I then reach for my light-headed skull, it is pulsating. “I mean… uh, I’ll be fine, uh I just, I gotta go.” I stand up as quickly as physically possible for someone in my condition and I hobble up the stairs. I pass by Rydel’s and my room, I want to be somewhere that I won’t be bombarded with questions. Out of the corner of my eye I see a door, that’s when I know where I’ll find my quiet spot. I go in and I hobble up those stairs as well once at the top I open another door there I see my couch and coffee table. I take a seat on my couch for a few minutes. But I feel too vulnerable out in the open like this so I stand up and walk around the attic until I find a small nook, perfect, I crawl inside and just sit to be alone with my thoughts.

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