It's A Matter Of Time

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-Next day-

"Sorry I haven't come to see you in a couple years." I say without receiving a reply "I just thought I should tell you some updates on my life, and you don't have to talk if you don't want to, I know you usually don't. Anyway I guess I'll get started. To put it plainly Derek is back, and he's been trying to get me back, luckily I've had my boyfriend and his family to help protect me from him. Oh yeah, I have a boyfriend now, his name is Ross, we are pretty serious, I'll have to bring him over some time so you can meet him, I'm sure you'll like him, he is very protective over me, just like you. Well back to my story, so Derek hired this girl, Jenny, to get some information or something on me, she ended up vandalizing my converse, and yesterday she came by the recording studio with a gun. It was a close call, but I'm safe and she's locked up. And-" I sit down so I'm closer to him "I'm in a movie, so my dream is coming true. I guess that's kinda it, I just thought you might want to know how things are going in my life since you've been out of it." I stop for a moment and we stay in silence "So how have you been?" I ask without thinking but then I quickly correct myself "Sorry I forget sometimes..." I sniffle "I just miss you so much" I trace the words engraved on the headstone, as a tear escapes my eye I stand up and rub the top. I place my broken down converse and the flowers I gathered in front of the headstone. "I promise to visit more" I bend down and kiss the stone lightly. "I Love you so much" I wipe away my tears as I begin to leave the cemetery to the taxi I had wait for me.

*Ross POV*

Could this be the place he is buried? I cover myself behind the bush a little more as I see Sydney stand up and walk away. Yes I followed her here, and no I don't think I was supposed to know, but when she sneaks out at four in the morning I'm bound to follow her. I walk over to the grave. "Jack Anderson" I read aloud "'The best father I could've ever asked for'-JA" I bend down beside it and stare at the JA. Jessica Anderson. Sydney. Yep this is him.

"Oh shit!" I jump off the grave "Sorry I was stepping on you Mr. Anderson." I'm talking to a dead guy right now. He kinda intimidates me, even in the afterlife, I mean he is my girlfriend's dad. "I'm Ross, it's nice to finally meet you" I pat the headstone lightly. "I'm not sure if you know this but I'm a pretty lucky guy, because I am dating your daughter" I flinch for a second expecting some supernatural disaster to happen, but nothing does "Any way, I figured we should get acquainted. I'll come back to visit sometime yeah?" I ask, not expecting an answer, but I feel a cool breeze, without me noticing any wind. "I'll take that as a yes" I smirk, a little spooked, as I leave the cemetery and climb into the car. I go buy some milk before heading home.

*Riker POV*

Once I hop out of the shower I head downstairs to find Sydney up early, all smiles.

"Why so smiley?" I ask while getting down some cereal and pouring myself a bowl.

"Oh nothing, I went out and met with an old friend earlier. I hadn't seen him in over two years."

"Him?" I ask curiously "Ross doesn't have anything to worry about right?" She chuckles at me.

"No, of course not" She smiles wider.

"Oh good" I reply while opening the fridge "Man we're out of milk?" We hear the front door open so we peer around the corner to see Ross walking in.

"I bought milk" he states.

"Yes!" I let out as I grab it from him to make my breakfast. I turn around and observe the couple while I eat. Slowly they connect together and start to kiss. Ross is crazy about Sydney, he will never break off this relationship, all you have to do is look at the way he looks at her and you'll know that much. However I couldn't say the same for Sydney, maybe because I haven't known her as long, or because of what she's been through, but I think it's because she hasn't told her entire story.

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