Performance Formatting

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I was debating on putting this as a disclaimer of sorts at the beginning of the fic to avoid a random chapter explaining stuff, but I decided against it. Since Charlotte has only just joined the band, I didn't want brand new readers to see this and have it spoiled for them.

So anyways, now that Charlotte is performing with the band, I wanted to explain how I will format lyrics for when they are singing. As you've read, Charlotte and Harry have written songs together so it only makes sense that they sing songs together, right?

In the future, lyrics will be formatted as so:

Harry's lyrics will be on the left side

if he is singing by himself

Charlotte's lyrics will be on the right side

if she is singing by herself

And when they sing together,

the lyrics will be centered.

It will save me a lot of time and will help ease confusion for you if I don't have to explain who's singing what every single time! Lyrics will also be in italics in order to make it clear that they are lyrics.

Thanks for your time and happy reading!

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