26 - Patience

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A/N: This chapter is pretty long, so settle in!


After I had gotten ready for the second time tonight, Harry and I were quick to make our way to the bar, my stomach knotting at the thought of performing instead of supporting Harry against the barricades. I was excited, but also mortified at the idea of being on stage, vulnerable to everyone's eyes.

As we drove, he put on his normal music and I'd realized how accustomed I'd gotten to the rhythmic sound of his fingers tapping against the steering wheel, seeming as it almost always matched the rhythm of my pulse.

He hummed along to the tune, only further reminding me of our performance that would take place later tonight. Although I was terrified, knowing that I'd have him by my side the entire time gave me a little bit of relief. He was always paying attention to me, covering for me if I needed him to, and I knew he'd find a way to fix things if I messed it up.

When we were about halfway through the drive, he reached his hand over the console, weaving his fingers into mine. His thumb would occasionally swipe the back of my hand and I knew he could sense my apprehension about performing.

"You know that if at any time it's too much, you just tell me, yeah? I don't care about some guy with a record label coming, we can figure something out. You just let me know," he spoke. His voice was quiet, yet deafeningly stern and I knew he meant every word he said.

"I know, but everything's going to be fine," I responded lightly, trying to convince myself of what I was telling him.

"Just think about your first rehearsal with us. You were nervous, but once you started playing you were glowing. Just focus on the music, focus on me. It'll be like when we're playing together at my house," he continued as we were nearing the bar,

"Just focus on the music, it's just you and Harry," I muttered, reiterating what he'd said in hopes that I'd remember to tell myself the same thing before we performed.

"We do it together," he concluded after we'd pulled up at the bar and he'd put the vehicle in park.

"We do it together," I agreed. Part of me felt pathetic for needing his encouragement, but another part felt touched that he cared enough to calm me down like this.

Before I had time to dwell on that thought, Harry was taking his keys out of the ignition and I was opening my door. We walked into the bar with our hands still looped together, allowing the bouncer to check our ID's before entering. As we entered, the loud music overtook my senses and Harry led me to the bar, ordering me a drink.

"I promise I'm not trying to get you drunk tonight," he chuckled. "Just something to calm you down a bit," he continued before handing me the drink. I gave him an appreciative nod before sipping the drink, swallowing the familiar taste.

"How do you know what I like?" I asked. Most times when we'd gone out, Isabel just ordered us shots.

"Lucky guess?" he answered before Mitch and Sarah approached us. I was relieved to see familiar faces, but it also confirmed the fact that I'd soon be on stage with them for the first time, only making me more grateful that Harry had ordered me a drink.

"Hey! You guys ready for tonight?" Mitch asked after ordering a drink of his own, Sarah standing close to his side.

"Yeah, I think so," Harry answered for the both of us, thankfully.

Only a few minutes of small talk passed before Adam and Isabel arrived and we were quickly making our way backstage to get everything set up. My hands trembled as I opened the case containing my keyboard and brought it onto the stage, setting it exactly where Harry had told me to.

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