~Chapter 26~

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The Blessing of the land.

Bubbles 4213

A Various Genshin Impact x Outsider reader

Chapter 26

The Road to Liyue, Part 2. (A VERY SHORT CHAPTER TODAY!!)


"Hmm..it stopped raining..."

A bright beam of sunlight has finally beamed on the land of Teyvat, as the wind calmed down to now a soothing breeze.

The trees below, which got enough water started to dance with the flowers that were growling onto the ground, happy to get a lot of water into there system. 

We can see beautiful birds now flying through the sky, some holding worms into there mouth, heading back too feed their children waiting in the nest. 

Apples shined, while hanging off some tree's, while the boars and other animals slowly started to come out. Squirrels, who's cheeks are ten times than normal were carrying some nuts, getting ready for the next storm, as little squeaks came from it's stuffed mouth. 

Above, the birds then suddenly moved apart, when they heard a familiar deep growel of annoyance. 

There comes D'valin, flying through the air as the four of you were on top of it. 

Esther, seemed to be flying the dragon, as Ava held a rice cake made from the pit-stop they just made. 

A blanket sat onto her little leg's, keeping warm as Her and Razor were beside you, keeping a good eye on you. 

Deciding to take off when you were asleep was the best decision, because they didn't want the trip to be rougher than it already has. 

Razor's cloak was seen on your body, keeping you dry from the past rain pour that just ended. Your skin was very pale, as your snores from your sleep didn't sound normal at all, more raspy and deeper than normal. It sounded more like D'valin when he snores, which creeped out Ava  bit. 

Oh of course you wouldn't eat...to weak to even move at that. 

Esther thought that your bones and Muscles were too weak to do anything, due to the face that benson's guards and the last fight did a number onto you. Just looking at you like this made her heart broke, hating herself for not being there for you sooner. 

And better yet, her niece is not even alive anymore...which makes her promise to crepus broken. Gosh she misses him so much...especially Liam..

She always fears the worst, and not knowing there he is or if he's dead makes things worse...

It makes her think that if sending you away was truly a good Idea..? 

'It's stopped for now....we don't have much time left until it will start pouring again..'

Sighing, she looked down to the dragone, as she adjusted herself onto the front of the saddle. "You are quite right my dear dragon....I fear we may have to stop again...."

"But my queen, we are only two days from there, are you sure you want to stop again-"

"My daughter is in very little condition for travel, the more she get's rest, the better it will be for her to last the trip, Understood..?" Her explanation caused the dragon to grow silent, as another gust of wind came through, her hair widely dancing with the gust. 

"Yes your majesty..."

Feeling her hand softly pat his skin, he let out a purr?!

It surprised her, which made her giggle from his little actions. It seemed to feel so good, he forgot to fly slightly. 

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