Chapter 29

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Jade's POV

I looked at Starlord, while we all sat in silence in the Milano. "Iron man was right." Drax said quietly.

We all looked at him confused, "About what?" I asked.

"We don't know where those strange humans are." Drax looked at the floor, then back at us.

"I am Groot" Groot said, looking at Starlord, but Rocket glared at Groot.

"We are not going back to the Avengers and wait for those mutants to attack innocent people!" Rocket said angrily.

"Then what?" Gamora asked Rocket while raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." Rocket stayed quiet for a moment until he smirked, "I have an idea."

"It won't risk any of our lives?" Starlord asked.

"It won't. You guys want to know my idea?" Rocket asked.

We all nodded and he left the Milano.

"Well... I guess we have to wait?" I asked and they nodded.

(Time jump)

Rocket came back to the Milano while fixing his suit and holding a rectangular box. He set the box on the table and once we all read what it was, we looked at rocket confused.

"Don't you guys know what a laptop is?" Rocket asked while brushing his suit.

"We do." Starlord said then looked at Drax, "I think." He whispered but then looked back at Rocket, "But where and how did you get this?"

"Where? A place called 'best buy'. How? You don't want to know." He snickered, probably remembering how he got the laptop.

"Okay then." I shrugged and smiled at Rocket, "So what's the plan?"

"Simple. I hack S.H.I.E.L.D. and then we find out where these mutants are going to attack." Rocket said while opening up the rectangular box, "Finally, we go and stop those mutants. Understood?" He looked at us then opened up the laptop.

"Understood." We all said and nodded.

"Great." Rocket smiled and I guess he started to hack S.H.I.E.L.D. The rest of us sat down on the floor while watching Rocket. After just five minutes, Rocket lifted up his hands while smiling, "Done."

We all got up and looked at the laptop. "So.. Where are they gonna attack?" Gamora asked.

"Near Stark's tower." Rocket said while scrolling down until the laptop's screen turned black, "Dammit."

"What's going on Rocket?" I looked at him confused.

"Well, somehow, S.H.I.E.L.D. noticed that I hacked them so they turned off the laptop, but no worries." He smiled and pressed a button, that I'm guessing is how you turn on the laptop, but the laptop didn't turn on, "Well then. At least we know where they're gonna attack."

We nodded and looked at Starlord, "You say what's next" Drax said and Starlord smiled.

"Let's go stop them now." Starlord smiled and walked out the Milano, with the rest of us following.

(Time Jump)

We arrived in front of Stark's tower and looked around while the people looked at us with a horrified face. Rocket would growl at them and some of them would run away or walk away from Rocket and Groot.

"Let's split up." Starlord said, then looked at all of us, "Just don't kill anyone. Even if they make you angry."

We all nodded and went our separate ways. I walked around while looking around, kind of missing Rocket right now.

I saw a small little girl with a ponytail crying and rubbing her eyes. I walked towards her and crouched to her size, gently putting my hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay? Are you lost?" I smiled at her. She turned around and looked at me while her tears rolled down her cheeks, "What's wrong?"

She stared at me for a couple of seconds, making me feel sympathy for her, "Run." She whispered.

I looked at her confused, "Run?" I asked and she smirked. I felt all the sympathy fade away from me. She vanished and I looked around.

"Jade! Watch out!" I turned around and saw Rocket standing on the shoulder of Groot's while pointing at something. I turned back towards where the girl was, and there was a man in front of me. He quickly punched my jaw, making me fly up in the air. When I fell back on the ground, my head hit a hard and solid thing, making everything move slow to me. I looked around and saw Rocket and Groot yelling something, slowly everything went blurry, until I closed my eyes.

Rocket's POV

I looked her getting punched and I quickly turned around, seeing Starlord and the rest, "Starlord! Gamora! Drax! Hurry up!!" I growled, waving for them to come. When I looked back at Jade, I feel the ground shaking and see a big rock popping out of nowhere behind Jade.

My eyes widened and her head it the rock. She looked at me and I watched her closing her eyes, slowly opening them, until they didn't anymore.



Sorry for the late update. Hope you guys can forgive me. By the way, thank you for all those people who have read this far!! Thank you so much!! I owe you all a big hug and thank you!!!

This chapter and the next chapter is both dedicated to




please follow them!! I really love you guy!! Thank you for the brilliant idea!!! You guys should totally follow them!! Oh and please read their books!!!


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