chapter 16

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Jade's POV

We entered Tony's building and everybody greeted Rocket, but i guess he felt uncomfortable by the lack of space he had.

Captain America stopped infront of Rocket, "Welcome back" Captain America said while kneeling down so he could reach Rocket's hand. Rocket shook his hand while smiling, "but we all need to talk you"

"Can it be for tomorrow? I'm kind of tired right now" Rocket said while sitting down on the couch and scratching his right ear furiously.

Captain america nodded and left the living room, probably to talk to black widow. Starlord sat next to Rocket, "I'm happy your back" Starlord responded.

"We missed you... rodent" Gamora said in a kind voice. Rocket looked back at Gamora while smiling at her, and then looked at all of us.

He sighed, "i hate to say this but i missed all of you guys" Rocket said in a whisper.

I sat next to Rocket and hugged him, "can we talk alone?" I asked, scared what i was about to tell him. He nodded and we went to my room.

"What do you need to tell me?" He asked. I took a deep breath.

"Um... when you were being controlled by Dormammu... i...i..." i didn't know if i should tell him.

"I what?" He asked impatiently.

"I kissed Hawkeye" i blurted out. I looked at him and he looked okay, "you're not angry about it?" I asked.

"No" he said calmly.

"Did Dormammu do something to you?" I asked while grabbing him by the shoulders.

"No" he said, "i know you think i will get mad, but, it must've been an accident right?" I looked at him with a confused face. He's acting so calm and taking it easy.

"No" i responded.

He stared at me with an angry face, "you and Hawkeye kissed! And it wasn't on accident!" He said angrily.

Now i was scared, "Y-Yes" i responded, "are you going to do something about it?"

He sat down and took a deep breath, "i would if i saw you kissing him right now." He said.

"So you're not going to do anything?" I asked.

"No" he responded while sitting down and closing his eyes, "come here and lay down next to me" i layed down next to him, "Would you like it if i kissed somebody while you were being controlled?" I shook my head, "well next time think"

I nodded and closed my eyes, darkness taking control of me, and sooner or later i was asleep.

(Time jump)

I woke up by a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door, and it was Starlord. "What do you need?" I asked.

"Rocket is beating crap out off Hawkeye with the help of Groot" that's when i noticed that Rocket wasn't on the bed.

I ran out of the room and saw Hawkeye had a bloody nose while coughing out blood, he also had some scratches on his arms and face.

Groot tied him up with his roots while rocket was preparing his gun. I got in the middle of Rocket and Hawkeye, "what the hell are you doing?" I asked angrily.

"He kissed you!" He said angrily, "and you kissed back!"

"But you said you wouldn't do anything!"

"Did i ever promise!?" He lowered his gun, "You know what. I am done! Done with you!" My heart broke into little pieces, "Go kiss the dumbass if you want" he walked away with Groot following him.

I stood there. Frozen. The words repeating in my mind. It's all my fault.
I updated because today, i have a new member in my family. Today, my baby brother has been born. Photo of my baby brother on the side.

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