chapter 8

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Jade's POV (NiGhT)

Everybody was in the kitchen, while Rocket and I were alone, again, in the same room. "Do you know what happened last night?" I asked.

"Yes" He responded, "You want to know?"

"Yes" I said with curiosity.

"Okay. You and I had... sex" He whispered the last part. I stared shockily. Rocket and I. Just two weeks we have been dating, and now, RIGHT now, well last night, we had sex.

"Well, we can't change the past anymore" I said, "We just have to think about the future" he nodded and looked at me with a smirk.

"But whatever we did, must've been fun" He said. I glared at him and playfully punched him, "Okay. Okay" He said while laughing.

"Rocket can i show you the song that i made?" I asked.

"Is it going to take long?"

"Nope" i responded.

"Then go" i took out the piece of paper and handed it to him. He read it and gave it back, "Good job."

Rocket left back to the avengers and our friends, leaving me alone. I left the room and took a tour of stark's tower. It was quiet and peaceful. I saw a door that had the lights turned on. All of my friends, pepper, and avengers were in the kitchen. I slowly and quietly walked to the door and opened the door a little to let me see something.

I looked inside and saw the same guy that took the stone, also known as Dormammu. I looked closely and he was carrying somebody by their throat, and that somebody was black widow. But I saw Black Widow in the kitchen, she can't be her. I opened the door a little bit more until the stupid door made a squeaking noise.

Dormammu looked straight into my eyes. He let go of Black Widow, and walked up to me. "Foolish girl." He said in a deep voice and grabbed me by the throat. Very few little air entered my lungs.

I saw Black widow get up and kick Dormammu on the back, causing him to let me go. Black Widow got pushed down to the ground and Dormammu got ontop of her and started choking her. I ran up to Dormammu and took out my two electric escrima sticks, and yes I do have them with me every time, and electrified him.

Black Widow got up, "Black Widow, go get the avengers and my friends for help" I said.

"But-" She said but i interupted her.

"Now!" Black Widow ran out of the room, leaving me with Dormammu.

"Foolish girl. Why would you do that? Do you not know that I have the soul gem" Dormammu said. I ran up to him with my escrima sticks, but he grabbed them and took it from me. He used my escrima sticks to electrify me. I kneeled down, while the electricity shock my body. It felt.. very painful. I kept yelling in pain, and i layed down while my body shook.

I heard Dormammu laughing. When will they be here!? I saw a gun of black widow so i started reaching toward it. When i was close to it, i stretched my arm out to get it, but Dormammu stepped on it. He threw the escrima sticks.

He picked me up and pushed me toward the wall and picked me up by my throat. He took out his knife and looked straight into my eyes. This is the end.

"Put her down" i heard captain America's voice. Dormammu let go of me, and ran up to the others. I stood up and ran for my escrima sticks, but that's when i noticed that on the cape of Dormammu, he had the infinity stone.

I saw Rocket running towards him. Dormammu grabbed Rocket by his throat and touched him with his fingers. Rocket's eyes turned black for a second andt then back to normal. "Rocket!"

I ran up to him, but he took his gun out and aimed it at me. Everybody was yelling at Rocket to snap out of it, but that didn't help. Rocket shot me on my abdomen. Knocking me out.


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