chapter 11

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Jade's POV

We separated and i looked at Hawkeye, until everything what just happened went through my mind. "I'm so sorry" i said and ran out of the room.

Idiot!! Why did you kiss Hawkeye!? You're the girlfriend of Rocket!!

I ran into my room and locked the door. "Why did i do that?" I walked around, "I am an idiot!"

I heard a knock. "Yes?" I responded while putting my ear to the door.

"It's me. Hawkeye."

"Please Hawkeye. Leave me alone" i said.

"I'm sorry Jade, it was my fault. You probably don't like me but an acc-" he began but i unlocked the door and opened it.

"It's not that i don't like you, and it wasn't your fault. It's just..." i looked at him then at the floor.

"It's just wh-" we heard the elevator doors open, "looks like black widow is back" he said with a smirk.

"Yep." I said and looked at him with a smile.

We went to the living room and saw everybody surrounded by a table. "So what happened?" I asked.

"I gained his trust and tomorrow Dormammu is going to a meeting, but he wouldn't tell me what the meeting was going to be about or who was gonna attend" Black widow responded.

"Did you see Rocket?" I asked quickly.

"Yes" Black Widow responded.

"Is he okay?" I asked feeling better.


"Well.. i guess tomorrow we'll know a little bit more." I said with a smile.

I walked back to my room, but before i could enter my room, somebody grabbed my wrist. I looked behind me and saw Hawkeye.

"What do you want?" I asked in a whisper.

"Why do you care so much about Rocket?" He asked.

I looked at the ground then at him. Should i tell him? Nah.

I fake yawned, "i feel sleepy. See you tomorrow" i said. I got in the room quickly and locked the door.

Why don't i tell him?
So... let's start some voting!

Who should Jade be with? Hawkeye? Or Rocket? Start voting! The one with the most votes will be with jade.

Me: Jade!

Jade: Yes?

Me: Can you please call Hawkeye?


Hawkeye: Yes?

Me: Jade and Hawkeye, come closer. *Jade and Hawkeye come closer, and i both slap them*

Jade and Hawkeye: hey!

Me: sorry. It was a request by Smaug_Needs_A_Case. And by the way, i LOVE that request. Please follow her. And don't forget to vote! Oh and sorry for the shortness.

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