chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to To all the people who are reading this

Jade's POV

I woke up and sat up, "what happened last night?" I whispered to myself. I felt cold and i noticed that i was in my bra and underwear, but i didn't care right now.

I laid back down and turned to my right, but i saw a raccoon's back. A naked raccoon. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

What happened last night? I looked at Rocket's back. He had a metal thing inside of him. I brought my hand up from curiosity and was going to touch it, "leave it alone" i heard Rocket say.

"Rocket? What happened last night?" I asked.

"You and i took two more glasses of Absinthe, we got into a room together, and that's all i remember" Rocket said and looked back at me.

"That's all you remember!?" I said a little loud.

"Sshh" Rocket said, "you're making my headache worse." He got up and changed.

"You're not worried about what happened?" I asked while still laying down and facing him.


"Not a tiny bit?" I asked and got up.

"Nope, but probably Quil can tell us" Rocket said while leaving the room all changed. What did we do?

I changed to my costume and left the room. pepper came up to me with a worried face. "Are you okay Jade?" Pepper asked.

"Yes. Why?" I asked.

"I heard screams in your room and something break last night." Pepper explained.

My eyes grew in shock, "Screaming?" I asked a little worried.

"Yeah, i wanted to make sure you were okay, but Starlord said i should leave you and Rocket alone." Pepper said.

"Rocket and i alone?"

Rocket's POV

I left the room and saw Groot, "Groot!" I yelled. I ran up to him and climbed up to Groot's shoulder, "tell me what i did last night"

"I am Groot" Groot responded.

"You don't know anything. You really do help" i said sarcastically.

"I am Groot"

"You heard Jade screaming and laughing, and you heard something break" i said and Groot nodded. I got off of him and walked down the hallway until i saw Quil.

"So Rocket, how was last night?" Quil said with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You and Jade in a room. Together. Alone." Quil said. That's when i knew what happened.

"So jade and i.... had...." i didn't want to say it, "sex?" I whispered and Quil nodded.

"We heard you guys from the living room" Quil said. I am so lucky to be furry, because right now Quil would notice me blushing, "Did you have fun?"

"I don't remember anything asshole. I was drunk" I responded.

"Too bad. What about Jade?" Quil asked.

"She doesn't remember anything either, and she wants to know what happened last night." I responded.

Quil shrugged and wiped his smirk, "Want to eat breakfast?" He asked.

We walked to the kitchen and ate pancakes.



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