Chapter 30

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Rocket's POV

Starlord took out his gun while Gamora and Drax took out their sword. I quickly took out my gun and got on top of Groot. "Why do you guys have to walk so slow?!"  I growled at them.

"We're sorry." Gamora responded in her usual monotone voice. I growled and looked at Groot.

"Hurry up!!" Groot nodded and ran up to the guy who caused the rock to come out of no where, which now I am guessing it is Avalanche.

Avalanche lifted his hands up in the air and Groot started stumbling and try to stay up on his feet, but failed, and both of us went down. I get up and see that Avalanche was laying down on the ground, already passed out. I looked up and see Captain America. "Good job at distracting him"

I growled and saw The Avengers fighting the mutants and leaving my teammates out of it. Starlord glared at them and I sighed until I saw Jade, still laying down on the ground, motionless.

I quickly ran up to her, but Hawkeye beat me to it. He carried her while I looked at him angrily. "Guess we should get her back to the tower." Hawkeye said while Iron Man flew towards him.

"Yes we should." I growled and shook my head out of frustration.

"She is not going back to the tower of yours!!"

"Rocket.." Starlord walked towards me while the rest of my teammates followed me, "Let them."

"Whoever made you leader!?" I growled while looking at him.

"You can come with us if you want." Black Widow said in a monotone voice, "The rest of you guys can too."

I looked at all of them angrily until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at who's hand it was and it was Groot. I sighed, feeling all my stress go away. I slightly smiled at him then sighed and looked at The Avengers. "Fine."

They nodded and walked to Stark's Tower while the rest and I followed them.

(Time Jump)

Jade has been in a little room where she has been getting treatment from special nurses for like thirty minutes already but she hasn't waken up. I'm really feeling scared, praying to God that she is okay and hopefully she is.

Jade's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling dizzy, exhausted, and confused about my surroundings. I slowly get up and felt a sharp pain when I was standing on my feet. I looked at my arm and see a sharp object inside my vein, without thinking I pull the sharp object out of my vein and looked around.

I looked around, trying to remember where I was, but nothing comes up to mind, the only thing that comes up to my mind is a huge headache. I hold my head tightly, thinking that maybe if I did this the pain would go away, but it didn't. I closed my eyes tightly and out of nowhere I felt somebody putting a hand on my right shoulder.

I opened my eyes and looked at who it was. A human. A blonde haired female human with blue-ish eyes was standing right in front of me. "Jade? Are you okay?" I recognize this voice, but I don't know who it is.

I quickly felt scared, and grabbed her throat to protect myself, knowing that she will attack me first if I don't attack.

"Jade. Stop." She closed her eyes tightly and tried kicking me away, but she couldn't. I kept my grasp on her throat and quickly punched her with a lot of force, hoping she would be knocked out, and she did.

I walk out of the room and walked around this strange place, until I hear that close by there were people talking. Probably the people who kidnapped me and put me into this weird place. I walked closer to the noise and got as close as I can to the wall, hoping they wouldn't see and hear me.

"Don't you think Pepper  is taking a long time to come back and tell us if Jade's okay or not?" I hear a female voice say, her voice sounded emotionless and I know I've heard this voice before but I  just can't tell who it was from, and that's when I feel like my head is about to explode. I grabbed my head tightly and closed my eyes. I started to growl form the pain. Bad timing for the pain.

I hear footsteps walking towards me and I felt terrified. Jade! Look what you did! What are you going to do now!?

I looked around for an escape, but too late. "Jade!" Somebody next to me yell with an enthusiasm voice. When I looked at who it was, I got really scared, it was a short person, covered with fur. I think I know him, but I'm not going to stick around and see if I do or not.  I quickly get up and start running.

Rocket's POV

I watched Jade run away. What happened to her? Is she okay?

Hawkeye took out an arrow and aimed it at Jade. "Wait. What are you going to do with that?" I growled and he shrugged, he let go of the arrow and it hit Jade's back, electrocuting her. She fell to the ground, passed out. again. "Why would you do that?!"

"You want her to run away?" Hawkeye looked at me and put his bow away.

"What happened to her?" Drax asked, looking at Iron Man.

"She probably lost her memory. I mean, I don't think she would've ran away from Rocket. I would've expect her to hug him or something else, but run away from him. No. So I'm guessing she lost her memory." Iron Man replied.

"Great." I growled and looked at Iron Man, "So how can we bring her memory back?"

"We can try to make a formula that will bring her memory back." Iron Man said and I smiled.

"Perfect." Starlord said with a smile and looked at all of us, "Bruce, Stark, and Rocket go and make the formula while the rest of us take care of Jade. Sounds okay?"

"Sounds okay to me." Captain America said, responding for all of us.

"Great. Let's get working."

(Time Jump)

Bruce, Stark, and I have been working on a formula for hours and nothing worked.

"I'm thinking there isn't a formula." Bruce said while working.

"There is, but we just haven't found it yet." I growled at him. Why can't Bruce think positive? "Just keep worki-"

"I did it!!" Tony Stark yelled while lifting his arms up in the air. "I have the formula!!" I smile widely when I hear the last sentence.

"What are we waiting for!?" I smile and looked at Stark, "Let's go now!!"

We ran to the living room and see Jade tied up on a chair while the rest of them are trying to calm her down and her growling and closing her eyes tightly.

"Okay." Iron Man walked up to her and grabbed her arm, "Hopefully it will work Jade." He smiled and injected the formula into her vein. She looked around and slowly closed her eyes while we stared at her.

We all stood there for a couple of minutes, hoping it worked, "Rocket?" I hear my favorite voice call out. I look up and see Jade waking up. I smile and got on top of her legs, then hugging her. "I would love to hug you, but for some reason I'm tied up." They all laugh and Gamora untied her.

She hugged me tightly and I smiled, missing her sweet and adorable hugs, but it had to be interrupted.

We hear the TV turn on by itself and it was the news. We watched it and it showed people running away from something, the news reporter looked terrified and talked quickly, "There is once again distraction in New York, but this time buildings and houses are collapsing and there is a big machine hovering above New York. People are running away and trying to evacuate from the city." I looked at The Avengers and my friends.

"I guess it's time." They all nod and we got up, getting ready for war.
There it is!  Chapter 30!

This book is almost to its end and I really appreciate those people who have been reading this far. That is why this chapter is dedicated to all of you! So thank you so much and I hoped you enjoyed this book.

Question of the day: what's your favorite scene of 'Guardians of the Galaxy'?

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