chapter 18

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Jade's POV

We were on the helicarrier, surrounding a table while Rocket and Black Widow were talking.

"Why were you on the ship yesterday?" Nick asked while he had his folded.

"I needed something for the machine i was building for Dormammu. And that something was a tiny little blue wire." Rocket responded.

"Why did you need the tiny little blue wire?" I asked while looking at Rocket, but Rocket looked at the others and ignored me.

"I needed that wire because with it, the machine will be unstoppable." Rocket said, "any more questions?"

"Yes. Where is he going to attack?" Hulk asked while walking back and forth.

"New York idiot." Rocket said while leaning against his chair.

"But is there a certain place he's going to start?" Hulk asked, but rocket shook his head.

"How can we stop the machine you built?" Gamora asked.

"There is a way, but it can be deadly." Rocket responded, "somebody has to go inside the machine, and place a certain bomb i have, but that person has to get out of there as quick as possible, unless they have a death wish."

I looked at the others and everybody looked at each other, "who will do it?" Starlord asked.

"I'll do it." I said out loud.

"What do you mean you're doing it?" Rocket asked angrily, "You can't do it."

"I'm doing it and period." I responded angrily and everybody nodded.

"We have our plan ready, we should have some rest, we have ten more days to get ready." Captain said while we nodded.

I got on a ship with Hawkeye, Groot, and Rocket, and we all headed to Stark's tower.
Sorry for the shortness, but this chapter is dedicated to the following people:























These people are the people who commented through this book.

So please follow these people because if they didn't comment, then i probably would have gave up with this book. So thank you for these people who have commented.

Thank you for reading! Comment! Vote! and follow!


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