Chapter 41: Should We Compromise?

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Once Taehyung's parents left for the night, you stuck around a little longer. The atmosphere was a little more relaxed and you were having a good time just chatting. They had all been very nice to you and as the hours passed, you stopped worrying so much.

"I've brought some champagne" Jimin announced as he got up from the couch and went looking for the bag he had brought with him. Taehyung looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Jimin-ah, neither of us really drinks" his friend said as he motioned to himself and his girlfriend. He wasn't sure about you, but they hadn't really bought any drinks.

"Ah, it's just to make a toast, it's Christmas! I'll take the bottle back with me" Jimin reassured him and he still didn't look very pleased.

"Don't shake it" Tae warned him, knowing exactly what he was thinking of.

You looked at your boyfriend pressing your lips together, you'd have to keep an eye on him, he certainly drinks like a fish. He poured everyone a glass and handed them out one by one.

"Merry Christmas!" you said raising your glass and they all followed, clinking their glasses and sipping on the luxurious champagne. All except for Jimin who chugged down the whole thing in one go.

Tae and his girl put down their glasses on the coffee table and he got up to look for soft drinks. You thought for a second as he offered you one too, but you decided to join Jimin so he wouldn't drink alone. You hadn't eaten a whole lot, so the empty calories of alcohol should be okay.

You were really trying and you were doing more or less okay when it came to eating different things, but bigger portions? That was not easy, you panicked and just couldn't do it. It was physically impossible as your throat closed up from the anxiety it triggered.

"Thank you for drinking with me" Jimin elbowed you lightly and smiled. He was grateful and he did know it was a bigger deal to you than to everyone else who simply chose not to drink because they disliked alcohol.

Taehyung's girlfriend awkwardly sat on the other side of the table as she waited for him to come back, you tried to entertain her so she wouldn't be left out.

"I saw you have a big bookcase back there next to the piano" you commented excitedly and she nodded as her lips curled. Something you had in common it seemed, an affinity for reading.

"I quickly glanced at the pile of books you have to a side, are they worth reading?" while you had many untouched books at home, it was impossible for you not to be drawn to more. She chuckled with a little smirk.

"No, they are actually trash. I wouldn't recommend them"

"Oh, well, that's good to know, I guess" you commented, stifling a laugh.

Jimin remained quiet and let you two speak as he poured himself more champagne. Toasting because of the success of this home party, he thought as he raised his glass in the air and drank from it.

"Sometimes it's fun to read something more light-hearted, if you need a good laugh" Tae's partner explained herself and you nodded as you sipped on the last of your sparkling wine.

"Yoongi-yah's girlfriend has always recommended good books to me, maybe you should ask her" she added being unaware of the fact that you actually didn't ever want to meet any of the guys before.

"She's a songwriter, right?" you wondered knowing one of their latest songs had been co-written together with him.

"No, she's a literature major and writes poetry, actually" she commented. That was cute, the media hadn't really said much about her after their relationship was officially announced earlier that year.

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