new and improved Drunk venti X Insecure Y/N

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A/N: guys i was in a silly goofy mood and made a few edits. Enjoya
I hear the door creak open and a thud coming from downstairs.


"Y/n come hereee" Venti whined like a small child. I sighed and closed my laptop, getting up from my comfortable position on the bed to assist a stupid drunkard. "Y/n darling hurrrry" He strung his words together and dragged them out way longer than necessary. From the top of the staircase I could see the boy laying in his back in front of the door, slowly wiggling around.

"How much have you had to drink?
Please tell me you didn't glide back,"

He only responded with giggling as he continued rolling around on the floor until he curled into a little ball and pretended to sleep.

"Oh my stars- are you seriously going to make me carry you upstairs again?" I massaged my temples. It was 4 in the morning, who has the energy to deal with this?? Me, apparently. "Okay, here we go,"

I bent down and wrapped one arm around his neck, the other around his knees, holding him bridal style.

"I hope im not too heavy. Not as much as you, at least, right? I'd be way easier to pick up," he said in a sing song tone

You know that feeling you get not only in your stomach, but through your entire body? The feeling of static and nerves you get when you (for example) walk into a crowded place alone? I know he was drunk. He didn't mean it, right? But that didn't stop my heart from completely sinking, allowing the static to take over. Am I too chubby for him? Would he prefer me if I lost some weight?

But who cares anyway, I thought to myself as I released my grip around the stupid boy's legs, causing him to tumble off of my back and down the stairs. I looked down at the bloody mess coming from the now lifeless boy beneath me. I gave a grin of satisfaction and left the house like a girl boss to get donuts.

That's all, hope you liked it

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