My childhood sweetheart

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  • Dedicado a My real life Derek...


Hi guys! This is my first story and I'm hoping it goes well.

Derek's P.OV

I'd been locked for ages. Studying. All those numbers, letters and facts floating around in my head...How am I supposed to remember everything? I had my history GCSE the next day and this was my last night of revision. But for some reason, I just couldn't concentrate.

"Derek! Come help me on this level!" Francis called from the lounge where he was playing on our Nintendo Wii.

"I can't. I'm busy!" I replied irritably.

"Arghh! Its really hard though,"he wailed.

"Sorry!" I said.

I needed a break sooner or later though.Flicking through the book in front of me, I let my mind drift off into a pointless day dream. An image from a few weeks ago flashed in my head. My birthday party.

I'd invited all my closest friends to my house. It was meant to be a mix of playing on the games console, a barbecue and a water fight. Actually, it was just that...until she stepped through the door.

*** 2 weeks earlier***

" Come on! Pass it here! "

" No, to me! "

" Tackle him!"

" There is no way you're going to score from the half way line man!"

I stood in the door way, watching my friends play the football game, FIFA 12, on my Nintendo Wii. Only four people could play at a time so I waited patiently for it to be my turn. But that didn't stop me hurling abuse at the cheats..

" That was a foul! You can't tackle him from the front!" I scolded.

Just then the door bell rang. None of us made a move towards it. A door opened upstairs.

"Fine, I'll get it," I heard my younger brother mutter as he stomped down the stairs. A few minutes later he rushed back up the steps and resumed whatever he was doing. What happened to the person at the door? I dismissed the thought, guessing it was some salesman or something.

The avatar on the screen zipped past all the other virtual players and... scored!

"GOAL!!!" All of us yelled, prancing around the room and celebrating our victory. I'd ruffled Daniel's ( one of my mates ) hair and made a beeline for the kitchen, intending to grab a couple of cans of various fizzy drinks when I noticed a lone figure dithering in the corridor. They had there back to me, peering into the kitchen. Curious , I ventured toward.

"Erm, hello?" I greeted awkwardly, rethinking the whole situation, and how it could go very bad if this person was a criminal of some sort.

The figure jumped, letting out an odd squeak. They turned towards me.

" Oh, er, hi Derek," It was a girl. Then realisation dawned on me.

"Oh, Hannah! How are you? I was wondering if you were going to come or not. What took you so long? Oh, don't worry actually. We're playing on the Wii right now. Would you like to play too?" I asked excitedly. The thing is, I hadn't seen her in ages! I had invited her to come for the party but I guessed she'd be really busy.

" Sorry, no thanks. I looked in when I came through the door...there's quite a lot of boys in there at the is it like ok if I stay upstairs with Francis? I'll come back down when its less..busy?" Hannah requested. I nodded slightly.

" Alright then. See you in a bit,"


Half an hour later, we decided to start the water fight in the garden. Everyone had picked a side but we were one player short.

My Childhood sweetheartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora