Tall and blonde

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Derek's P.O.V

She vanished, that girl...

No. She was a monster, not a girl...

I'm hurting so much and there's no way I can fix it. My skin is burning from various open wounds but I can't see them...they're invisible.

So I just lie on the ground, scowling at a poison coloured-sky.

A single tear escapes from the corner of my eye and runs behind my ear.

The other girl--the nicer one--why didn't she help me? I thought she would put a stop to it. I thought she'd protect me...

I shiver.

Maybe she was never there.

Maybe she never existed?

Maybe I was dreaming.

Yes. That must have been it. No good person would allow another to suffer like that. She was just too good to be true.

To beautifully pure to be real.

The sky is glowing for some reason... Sparkling colours of sapphire, emerald and hints of ruby dance across the suddenly dark sky. The northen lights? Aurora Borealis?

But they can only be seen in the north...And only this clearly from...

....the North Pole? I turn my head to the side.

Snow. Snow! Everywhere. Blankets of the powdery white stuff had covered the valley I'd just been in. I wriggle my fingers, flex my toes. It's real!

I let out a cry of delight. It echoes across the drastically vast landscape. So I stop.

I manage to pull my self into a sitting position, to admire the flickering lights. Then realise I'm only in my boxer shorts...Immediately, violent shakes are sent down my spine. My teeth chatter, like an audience clapping for an encore. It's becoming unbearable.

Crashing back to ground, I wrap my arms tightly around me as if to stop myself from falling apart.

I'm going to die. I know it. I can't stop it. It's not fair!

I close my eyes in anguish, still shuddering. How ironic; I'm about to die in an icy unknown terrain under an impossible sky. Holding my breath , I tense my muscles as tightly as possible, in hope of conserving heat.

It's not working.

I stop struggling. What's the point? No-one is going to miss me.

Tingling sensations are being sent up my arm. But for some reason, it doesn't hurt. In fact, it feels quite cosy. I will it to spread, into my chest and to the rest of my body. It's keeping me alive.

It strokes my back, caresses my face, warms my heart. And I hold onto this tether, pulling up me up from the depths of a frosty grave.

But as quickly as it came, it went again. And this time I fell. Fast.


Hannah's P.O.V

I took my hand away from Derek's face. He looked so peaceful, but obviously in a far away world. It broke me to see him so vulnerable, so....not himself.

The bruises had healed since I'd last been around. The cuts, however,still looked angry and raw.

They'd shaved his hair four days before in preparation for an operation taking place in...half an hour, I think. To be honest, I didn't really pay much atrenton to the time anymore. I was just content in being by Derek's side, holding his hand, singing that cute, sad song into his ear.

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