Stranger at the Bus stop

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Derek's P.O.V

I couldn't fall asleep that night. I really should've, but it was impossible. Thoughts of Hannah kept leaping around my head like a new spring lamb.

I turned over in my bed for the hundreth time. Is there something wrong with me? Surely I can't have been the only person in history to feel like this? No one ever says it'll hurt this badly.

I just want her in my arms again. I swear, I'd give anything for that...

"Shutup Derek! You sound like someone out of those cheesy Rom-coms!" I told my self sternly.

After a few more minutes of tossing and turning I decided to get something from the kitchen. It was bathed in the eerie green light from the digital clock on the worktop. 2:37am. How the hell was I going to wake up tomorrow?

I rummaged through the cupboards, looking for something to satisfy myself with, when I came across a packet of crisps. Salt and vinegar ones. Those were Hannah's favourite...

I had to see her again.

Hannah's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. I'd dreamt of Derek again but I couldn't remember what it was about. Rolling off my single bed, I staggered off to the bathroom to get ready for school.


The bus stop was deserted, as usual. I'd plugged in my earphones and was nodding my head slightly to the beat of the music, waiting for my bus to appear.

One good thing about being at an empty bus stop is that there's no one there! I know that sounds quite antisocial but its nice to have a bit of peace from the outside world.

I observed all the morning creatures going about their daily business:

I wonder what its like to be a bird? These random thoughts always pop up and pull me away from my surroundings. So you would probably understand how frightened I was when someone grabbed me from behind very tightly. I'd lived in this area for a really long time and I'd never heard of girls being kidnapped.

Or worse...

Why me?

"Guess who?" a husky male voice whispered.

What the frick was this psycho playing at? How could I "guess who"? I was all by myself on a dark morning and some stranger manhandles me and then expects me to play guessing games? Hold on a minute, why does his voice sound familiar...

But I wasn't taking any chances. I struggled against his grip, trying to get free but it was a useless attempt. My captor just chuckled.


"Calm down Hannah, just guess!" he laughed. What the hell?! My breathing was ragged and heavy at this point from resisting earlier and from fear. He knew my bloody name! But I noticed exactly how he said my name.

There's only one other person I know that speaks like that...

Derek's P.O.V

"Derek?" Hannah finally answered. I let her turn to face me.

"Of course! Who else?" I replied, grinning. But that was wiped off my face when I saw her expression. It was like she'd seen a ghost!

"Wha- What's the matter?" I asked, concerned.

"You really scared me," she said in a small voice.

"Oh,no no no, I'm sorry. I thought I'd just surprise you, that's all," I told her truthfully. This wasn't going as planned. Or maybe its because I didn't think it through. Surely she'd forgive me?

"No , its OK," she smiled a little, as she rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, OK?" I whispered into her ear. She nodded slightly. I forget how sensitive she can be sometimes. I rarely see that side of her though. Its just gonna be another little thing that I love about her.

Hannah P.O.V

I was still caught up in Derek's sweet embrace when my bus turned the corner at the end of the road. Derek and I don't go to the same school. His is the opposite direction to mine.

"Aren't you going to be late Derek?" I asked him. He glanced down at his phone.

"Crap! You're right!" he exclaimed. He kissed me gently.

"See you after school?" he prompted hopefully. I remembered that my parents weren't going to be at home until late. They don't mind Derek, though our homework excuse could always be put into action if need be...

"Yeah, Okay. Is my house ok?" I inquired.

"Absolutely fine," he grinned. "I'll text you later!" Derek called to me as I got on the bus that had just arrived.

"Bye!" I replied with a smile.

Well , wasn't that was a lovely start to the morning?


I'm not sure that was my best chapter. I had to write something to fill in the gap. But I still hope you enjoyed it! XD

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