Stay the night

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Derek's P.O.V

The steady splash of water wakes me up from my deep sleep. The cold is back but not as menacing as before. I open one eye, expecting the worst , but all I find is utter darkness. awake...aren't I?

Both eyes open now. Still not seeing anything.

The ground is firm, which I guess is a good thing. I run my right hand over it...proves to be a mistake. Pain shoots up my arm and I quickly withdraw.The metallic tang of blood wafts in the air, causing me to gag a little.

I've....Cut myself...Need to...


Its important...I have to do something right now... but...I can't remember...remember...what? Why do I have to remember? What's happening?

I growl in frustration and pull myself up.

There's that dripping noise again. Where the hell is it coming from?! It's going to drive me mad!

You're kind of already mad Derek...

Shut up....I'm not..I'm just lost and confused. Not mad at all...just cold...just lonely...

And you're definitely sure you're not losing it?

Yes. I am. Your opinion is invalid.

Then tell me how you've forgotten about that nasty gash on your palm?


Blood is trickling from my hand down my arm and to the ground. least I've found the source of the dripping, right?

Dabbing the wound with my shirt stops the blood going everywhere but the drops continued...dripping?

It should a calming sound. Repetitive. But it is getting on my nerves now the novelty has worn off. Must find the source. Maybe I'd able to stop it?

Navigating through this place will prove to be difficult, judging by the lack of light. But maybe I could...feel my way about? There's got to be walls here. If I keep walking straight I'm bound to bump into s-

Ow! For f**ksake! I hit the ground hard on rebound. Now I've a nasty bump on my forehead. Ah damn it! Slightly dizzy. Not concussed. I don't think.

Pfft. You don't think anyway. You shouldn't, or you'll hurt yourself again.

Piss off for God sake! I'm thinking so deal with it!

Now...that was a wall. Definitely. It must lead somewhere with light.


Who are you asking? Me? Thought I had to 'Piss off'. Thought my opinion's invalid?

No-one. Is talking. To you.

Ha ha.

I drag my hand through my hair, down my face. Right. Where was I? Yes.

Wall will lead to light. Get off your arse.

I'm up. I reach out gingerly towards the wall, praying thaf nothing will slice open my fingers. The rough surface of rock registers in my head. Must be some sort of cave. But where?


Hannah's P.O.V

I cried a lot more in the car , en route to his home. However, I'm not sure if he knew as I lay across the back seat where he'd placed me once we got to Lee's multi-storey carpark. That was a really bad idea; by the time I had run out of tears , I found that I had given my self nasty headache. So I slept most of the journey. Another terrible mistake.

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