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Hannah's P.O.V

Falling asleep. How's that even possible? I don't really want to go to school tomorrow. I look a wreck with all these bags under my eyes.

No doubt Maria will catch on. Awkward questions will be flying everywhere and I don't think I'll be able to answer them properly. And then rumours would start. And then...

Go to sleep for goodness sake!

Ok angry voice... No doubt I'll dream of Derek again.

Derek's P.O.V

I said it! I told her that I loved her! Though she was asleep...But still! If I could do it then, it won't be that hard to say it to her face! Then a depressing thought rushed over me: Hannah's gonna be grounded for 5 weeks! That's more than a month! I don't know what I'm going to do and I'm already having withdrawal symptoms. None of which I can describe...

My parents let me off lightly though. Probably because I'm 16 or something. Yay? I don't think so. What's the point if I'm not with her? I couldn't sleep either. Maybe I'm ill? Lovesick more like...

Pull yourself together man! How comes you're turning into mush just because of some girl?

She's not just some girl. She's an amazing girl. She's my girl.

My girl, eh? What is wrong with you Derek? Remember the last one? All girls are the same, okay?

Shut up...

I fell asleep in the middle of the argument between me and the voice in my head.

Hannah and I were on this beach. The sky was a cool shade of blue, the water likewise. The sand felt warm in between my toes.

But Hannah was all dressed up in her beach wear. When we were younger, she skipped about in a purple coloured, one-piece swimsuit. Now she was in this gorgeous bikini that made her look proper sexy. And I'd never really seen her in that way before. But I can say I prefer this look better to any other...

" So what do you want to do Derek?" she asked me expectantly.

"Oh, sooo many things Han," I replied, still looking her up and down.

"Oh really?" I nodded dumbly. "Well, you're gonna have to catch me first!" Hannah squealed. And with that, she zoomed away. It took me sometime to realise that she'd wanted me to chase her. I was still fantasizing... But I did eventually snap out of it.

" Oi! Get back here little monkey!" I yelled after her. I could hear her giggling at me.

"You have to come and get me!" she called back.

"Gladly!" I replied loudly only to receive a loud "Eww" sound from Hannah, followed by laughter. Oh wow...

She was at the edge of the sea now.Backing away slowly so she didn't fall backwards into the water.

"Come on Hannah. You've got no place to run. Well, except into my arms," I winked, spreading my arms wide.

"Ha! No way! You're just going to try and tickle me as a punishment or something," Hannah guessed. I pretended to think about it for a moment. The I shrugged, pulled a silly face and sprinted towards her.

Just as I was about to wrap my arms around her, Hannah was being pulled into the sea. I watched in horror as some monster shark dragged her into the suddenly murky depths of the ocean. I tried to pull her back but something held me back from behind. The frightened expression on her face made me feel so helpless.

"Hannah! No, please! Let go of her! Hannah!"

" Shut up!" a voice hissed at me. Then the owner of the voice hit me over the head with a pillow.

"What was that for?" I whined. My brother's face appeared in front of me. "Hey!"

" I should be the one saying that!" Francis complained. " Your babyish crying woke me up. As well as shouts of 'Hannah! Hannah' Just be quiet and let me sleep!" he finished, stomping out of the room.

Dreams have now joined the withdrawal list. Oh great.

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