Leaning on a wall..

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I am a bad person! One month of not writing has made me feel really weird.. anyways here's more!

P.s please don't hate me for being away so long :/

Hannah's P.O.V

It had taken the whole of our 30 minute bus journey for me to realise where Maria was leading us to. I only started to object when I spotted a vaguely familar layout of a secondary school building.

The name of the school was printed on a large metal sign, just above an entry gate. I groaned loudly.

"Why Maria? Seriously, why? You do realise we're just going to be standing out there with hordes of boys flooding out of the gates, gawping at us?" I complained.

"Absolutely!" was all she said. "Though I really wanted to see that Daniel kid again. So I'm not just thinking of you if that is what you were wrongly implying," Maria added, pretending to be annoyed with me.

I shot her a withering look and headed to the bus exit.


Derek's P.O.V

"That's your ten minutes up. Next time, try and restrain yourselves from throwing paper at each other. Go," Our music teacher lectured.

Its not like I hate music class. I just find them quite boring at times because I already understand all that stuff about notes and staves etc.

It was just getting too hot and I started falling asleep. So I decided to start a "throwing game" of some sort, involving the whole class. While the teacher's back was turned of course.

And unfortunately got caught. 

But me and my partner in crime were finally free...


Hannah's P.O.V

So we were outside, leaning on the wall opposite the school gates, trying to act casual.

It was just like I had predicted- lots of teenage boys rushed past us, casting the occasional sideways look or pointing in our direction. I felt like a lump of meat in a market, being sized up by all of them. 

After about fifteen minutes of this, I'd run out of patience.

"Maria, its been ages! Are you still waiting for this Daniel bloke?" I asked in a frustrated manner.

"Nah, he walked past about -" she glanced at her multicoloured watch. "- ten minutes ago!" she chirped cheerfully. I exhaled angrily.

"Then. Why. Are. We. Still. Here?" I wondered through clenched teeth.

Suddenly Maria's face lit up. I opened my mouth to lecture her about never wasting my time again when I was cut off.

"I was going to ask a similar question along the lines of 'why are you here?'" a masculine voice interrupted.

I turned around, recognising his voice almost immediately. I grinned shyly.

"Hiya Derek," I greeted in a small voice.

"Hey," he replied, kissing me soflty, but I didn't really return it properly as Maria and some other boy were present. I saw a look of confusion and rejection flash in Derek eyes. I shook my head slightly, put a finger to my lips and smiled.

"So...aren't you going to introduce us to your buddy then?" Maria piped up, shamlessly waving at the poor boy behind Derek. Derek was kind of caught off guard- he'd been to busy concentrating on me.

"Huh? Oh, that's Matthias. We've just come out of detention. You know what teachers are like," Derek answered, rolling his eyes.

"Oh you naughty boy Matthias!" Maria gutted in her weird flirty manner. Matthias' cheeks had started to go bright red- he looked quite uncomfortable.

"I-I-its Matt," Matthias corrected a little nervously.

"Matt? As in Matt Smith?! I absolutely love him! Do you?" Maria squealed. Matt gave an uneasy laugh.

"Well I- " he began.

I glanced over at Derek, noticing the not-so-discreet gestures he was making towards the bus stop. I grinned.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but we need to head off if that's okay," Derek announced, shifting the weight of his school bag onto his other shoulder.

Matt's face was the picture of relief, probably thinking I would take Maria with me.

"Nah, that's fine. Matt and I shall go and get some McDonald's. Then we can debate who's better: One Direction or Justin Bieber!" Maria said, causing Matt's new found happiness to disappear.

I pitied him.

"Alright then, we'll see you lot later then," Derek replied, slowly intertwining his fingers with mine.

I felt the warm blood rush to my cheeks. I had no idea why though, and carried on wondering even when Derek got me on a bus.

I did snap back when I realised that the bus wasn't going back towards my house.

"Derek, where are we going?" I asked curiously.

He chuckled, adding to my suspicion, and casually put his arm around my shoulders.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he mumbled in a really low tone and brought me even closer to him. I felt my legs go weak.

Honestly, I don't think anyone else could make me feel like that, by only using their voice.

"Oh, Ok then. I'll wait," I whispered, resting my head against his chest.I heard him laugh to himself again.

I swear my heart skipped a beat.


Ok, hit me then. I'll try never to stay away so long again. if I do, there will be a very good reason for it :)

On another note, who's your favourite out of 1D and Justin Bieber? Do you love them to bits, or do you hate the fact that they were born?

Let me know in the comments below! (hey, that rhymed :D )

Thanks and forget to vote and share!


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