A million arrows!

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Hannah's P.O.V

I wandered into school in a happy daze. Nothing around me mattered. I'd be on the wrong side of the corridor, bumping into other students but I couldn't care less. Ignoring their verbal abuse, I made my way up a flight of stairs to my locker. Still in my trance, I didn't notice that some of my classmates had all ready arrived.

"Hellooooo! Anybody there?" a voice called from the distance.

"Oi, Hannah!" I snapped out of my daydream. It was my best friend Maria. We'd met in year seven and had been inseparable since. Well, almost.

"Oh, sorry, hi Maria," I said sheepishly. She looked at me for a few seconds. Then a smile crept on her face.

"I know that look ! Someone got lucky over the weekend, eh? Go on then, spill. Who's the lucky b-" she didn't get to finish because I'd put my hand over her mouth.

"Wazz tha fo?" she tried to say.

"Shushh! I'll tell you later. I don't really want anyone to know at the moment," I told her whilst glancing over at the others. Removing my hand from her mouth, I couldn't help but smile again as a thought of Derek whizzed through my mind. Maria was grinning too.

"Aww Hannah, you look like Cupid's shot you with a million arrows!" I gave her a look. That's my friend for you; a hopeless romantic that has, let's say, an interesting way with words.

"Seriously?" I asked sarcastically. She nodded hard. I was concerned now.

" Is it that obvious?" I said uncertainly.

"Hannah, I can read you like a book," Maria replied. And with that, she took my arm and dragged me up to class.


At break, I'd managed to avoid Maria for a bit. But just as I was coming out of the canteen, Maria appeared from nowhere.

"There's no way I'm gonna forget Hannah!" she sang. Oh great! Its not that I didn't want to tell her about Derek , I just wasn't sure how...

We'd found a bench near the field and sat down.

"Ok then. Where'd you meet him? Wait no, what's his name? Oooooh no, I've got a better one! How old is he?" Maria squealed. I laughed a little. Only Maria could ask a hundred questions in 30 seconds. I sighed.

"Fine. His name's Derek and he's 16. I-"

"16?! Wow Hannah, you scored high! I didn't know you liked..." she looked around. "Older men," I smirked at that.

"Let me finish! Where was I? Oh yeah! Erm...and I've known him since we were kids," I concluded.

"What's he like then?" Maria prompted. I hesitated a little. What was he like?

"Well, er he's funny and cute and tall, a smidge geeky but... hmm, I don't know!" I whined.

" Don't worry about it," she gave a mischievous smile. "So what have you two lovebirds been up to? " She asked all innocent like. I was about to make up an excuse as to why I couldn't answer her question, when an echoing trill sounded through out the school buildings.Thank goodness! Saved by the bell! I looked at my watch quickly.

"Oh my! Is that the time? I've gotta run Maria, my next lesson is all the way on the other side of school!," I rushed, getting my bags and saying goodbye before she pinned me down and demanded answers.

I think I'm going to pay the football club a little visit at lunch, I thought to myself. I haven't been for like three months! Its not like I had anything better to do...


@Sabahxxx you get it now :-)

I hope this wasn't boring you guys! Its not finished though.

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