Goody two shoes

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Hannah's P.O.V

I was surprised that I had lasted all the way to lunch without anyone noticing. It had gone a really weird shade of purple overnight. So I'd spent the day covering it up by leaving my hair out or turning up my collar, but still nobody noticed any thing wrong with me.

That was up until P.E...

Maria and I were getting changed from out of our P.E kits back to uniform when she spotted the bruise. I hadn't really been paying attention beacuse I was trying to get the mud off my football studs. All of a sudden, I felt her freezing fingers swiftly brush over my neck, as to wipe off a muddy stain or something. Realising it wasn't dirt from the field, Maria let out a really loud gasp.

"Han! What the fudge is this?!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening.

I was so relieved that everyone else had already headed off to the last lesson,as they couldn't hear her loud accusation. I pretended not to hear her and carried on thumping my boots on the floor.

"Hannah Victoria Ross, answer me!" Maria yelped excitedly, shaking my shoulders vigorously, making me drop my boots in the process. I glanced up at her slowly, taking in her expression and then looked down at my socked feet.

"" I tried saying.

"For goodness sake Hannah, tell me!"

"It was Derek Okay! I'm not going to say that it was really nice! I'm not going to tell you how cute he was after. I'm not even going to mention the malfunction he had with his downstairs area, 'cause I just don't want to say!" I concluded breathlessly.

It took a while for me to realise i'd said way too much.

"Sorry, I swear there's something wrong with me. I shouldn have snapped at you like that. Sorry Maria,' I apologised sheepishly, chewing my bottom lip. Maria had just sat there, not interupting once, absorbing my speedy sort of explanation. I smiled at her nervously, willing her to say or do something.

"" Maria began. Then she gave a small sigh. 'Don't worry about it Han. In fact, I'll help you!" Maria continued brightly. But I was still a bit wary.

How much had she understood from what I'd said?

I trust her but will she think differently about me?

I watched as she brought out a tiny case from her school bag. She saw the look on my face.

"Don't be such a goody-two-shoes Hannah! Everyone brings these into school," . I made an attempt to counter her comment. " Except you though Han. Have you even put on a bit of eyeliner before?" I shook my head slightly. "My gosh, you've been missing out!" she exclaimed .I laughed a little.

"You are not putting those horrible things on my face! I absolutely hate it! I objected, shuffling away from her a bit.

" No need to get your knickers in a twist. Like I said, I'm going to help you. Pull down your collar please" Maria replied, whilst rummaging through her make up set. She produced a circular dish with powder inside.

"Now stay still!" she instructed, sweeping my hair from my neck. Using a round pad, Maria dabbed the powder stuff on it.

A few moments later she whipped out a mirror and showed me my reflection. The mark wasn't completely gone but it was better than my previous attempts at concealing it.

"Aww thank you Maria! I think I might try and use make-up more often," I promised, hugging her. She put the powder in my hand.

"If I were you, I'd take this home and put it on in case my parents see it. Right Han?" Maria said, trying to persuade me; I didn't need any persuasion though.

"Are you sure?" I asked out of politeness.

"Yeah, I've got a few more at home. Just make sure you give it back if you don't finish it, Okay?" I nodded. "Aww!My little Hannah is growing up!" Maria mused.

"Shut up!" I retorted, punching her arm playfully. Just then, the bell rang.

"We're late for the next lesson," I observed, quickly stuffing my boots into my bag.

"Actually, I've got a better idea; lets bunk off! We're only missing the last lesson and I can't see how sawing some wood will help us later on in life," Maria suggested. I hesitated, considering her point.

"Fine," I agreed.

"Where'd you want to go?" Maria asked me.

"I don't know, you got any ideas?"

"Well, we shouldn't go bowling 'cause we don't have that much time. Hmm.. I know! You're gonna love me for this Han. Lets go! " She finished, dragging me off school grounds.

What have I let my self in for?


I'm sooo sorry everyone! I've been really busy! Last weekend was really strange cos i went to my first concert !!!( Olly murs ^_^) And then the next day I was ill and then today: my birthday!

Again, I am sorry but I tried to make this part real long.

Thanks for reading :-D

Love from Temmy

please vote or fan or comment, i don't mind :)

ps I've started a new book. Its called "a girl named Hayley". I hope you'll like!!

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