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Hannah's P.O.V

My eyes slowly blinked open to a dark and unfamiliar room. I turned my head slightly realised that I was positioned between Derek's legs, leaning back on his chest. He was leant back on the wooden wall behind, with his arms around my middle. A small smile appeared on my lips. How I wished I could take a picture of us together, all snuggled up. I'd never want to forget it.

Speaking of forgetting, it finally dawned on me that we were still in the tree house, in the oak, in the park. And the sky was now pitch black, decorated with an infinite amount of stars. Which probably meant that it was very late.

I gently slipped my phone out of my pocket, so I didn't wake Derek, and checked the time:


Oh sugar...

Derek sighed faintly in his sleep but I really didn't have time to coo at how cute he was; I also had 28 missed calls from Dad, 40 from mum and even a few from my little brother. I seriously needed to go.

Just then, I felt Derek stretch beneath/behind me.

"Hey Han," He said, with an unbelievably sexy voice. It was lower than normal, thick with sleep.

I shivered, but I wasn't sure if it was because of him or the cold night.

"Hi Derek," I replied, a little too quickly. He instantly picked up on it.

"What's up?" Derek asked, oblivious to how dark it had become.

"The moon!" I answered in a sarcastic tone.

"Really? What time is it? " I held up my phone to his face. "Oh wow...I think we should-"

"Go? Good suggestion!" I exclaimed whilst rubbing my eyes. Then I broke apart Derek's arms that were still wrapped around me and stood up, dusting myself down.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of me today, huh?" Derek chuckled, at his little joke, raising an eyebrow as he looked up at me.

"Not really. I'm just worried about what my parents are gonna say when I get back. They are going to ground me so long, I won't see the sun until I reach 20 or something!" I explained.

"Oh...That. Lets head off then," I just nodded and didn't look at him. Derek sighed, got up and wandered over to me, pulling me into a warm hug.

"Aw Hannah, come on. Don't be mad at me. Tell you what, when we get down the tree, I'll give you a piggyback to the bus stop to make up for it. Okay?"

"Alright then. Ah, almost forgot this again!" I said, picking up my school bag. "Lead the way!"


Hannah's P.O.V

Derek walked me home that night. But I asked him to leave me at the bottom of my street so my parents wouldn't see us walking home together.

"Night Derek!" I stage-whispered into to the night at his retreating back. He turned around ,waved a little and carried on walking backwards. Until he stumbled in to a lamp post. Silly boy.

My sweet, silly boyfriend.

My heart swelled at that. Boyfriend. I'd never had a proper one before. There had been some in primary school when I was really young, but what five-year-old actually knows what love is?

Do I know what it is?

I opened my front door to find my dad, mum, brother and two police men upstairs , gathered in the living room. Snap...

"And what time do you call this Hannah?" my dad's stern voice asked me. I snuck a quick glance at my phone.

"'s erm-"

"Its very late actually. Half past ten actually. And where have you actually been, hmmm?" He quizzed. I was starting to feel very uncomfortable. My mum looked as if she'd only stopped crying, my brother glared at me, and the police men looked serious, and quite annoyed. Well, I guess I would have been too if some other teenage girl wasted my time...

"You know what. Since your tongue is too tied up for you to defend yourself, I guess I'm just going to decide your punishment now. You're supposed to be back at home at 4p.m, five at the latest. Right now it's ten so you are grounded for," he paused, calculating his "complicated" sum.

" 5 weeks?" my brother contributed helpfully.

"Yes, that's it. Five weeks,"

"Dad, that's soo unf-"

"She speaks!" my dad gasped in a exaggerated fashion. "Do you want six weeks instead?" I shook my head. "Good. Off to your room please.Good night," he concluded.

I dragged myself off to bed. Five weeks?! No going out for five weeks? No cinema for five weeks? Arrgh! The worst: No Derek for five weeks!!!

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

1 new message from Derek:

Did you get home alright? x

I sighed and replied. Great, unintentional rhyming..what is the world coming to?

Yes I did. but dad grounded me..five weeks.

Immediately, I got his reply.

really? oh wow. im sorry. Here, just imagine I'm with you, cuddling up to you because I am sooo sorry. I'd kiss you and hold you in my arms, whispering in ur ear, telling you not to worry. cos I'm here Han xxx :)

This boy really knows how to make me want him even more...

aww Derek I know. I want to say-

Then I heard my dad's footsteps coming towards my room and quickly retyped what I was about to put down:

aww Derek I know. I think dad's gonna take my phone though. He 4got earlier. Don't reply to this. I txt u from a friend's fone or something.. byeee xxxxxxx

I put as many Xs as I could and set to work on putting a password on my phone and message icon so nobody could get to our conversations. Extra protection you see...

I clicked off my phone and pretended to be asleep just as dad walked in. I heard him sigh disappointedly and pick up my phone from my beside table. Then he walked out.

Great. No phone either.

And I was missing Derek already...


Hellooo! I love you guys so much! whilst I was writing this, reads went into the eight thousands!!! :o Thank you very very very very much! I am glad u enjoy it. but don't forget to hit the little "vote"button on the side if u liked a chapter! Thanks again :]

Lots of love from Temmy :) :D :3 >o<

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