I'll tutor you

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Derek's P.O.V

I felt a slight draft and guessed the door had been opened. I assumed it was probably just Francis again in need of some help on some game or something. So I ignored "him" and carried on listening to my music.

After a minute or two, I realised that Francis still hadn't tried to attract attention to himself. Knowing my brother, he was probably setting up some trap or prank that would probably cause me to fall flat on my face...

I put my pen down slowly, so he wouldn't know I'd guessed it was him and swiftly turned around to catch him in the act. 


Hannah's P.O.V

I was still deciding if I should disturb Derek or not when he quickly turned around. I froze, like a deer caught in car headlights. But I couldn't look away from his piercing gaze. I tried to speak,

"H-hi, Derek," I stuttered. What the hell! Speak like a normal person for goodness sake! It's just Derek--Calm down!

He smiled at my stupid slip up and greeted me,

"Hey Han,". Then he pushed his chair under the desk and padded over to his bed, perching himself on the edge of it. He patted a space beside him.

I took a-hopefully-calming breath and went over to him.

"So how's my favourite girl been?" Derek enquired, lounging back lazily. I noticed his voice had broke. Last time I came round, it was a high pitched chrip, very unique. But now it had warped into this kind of low buzz, retaining its playful tone. I smiled a little as I sat down.

"Very busy actually. We've been given our options for the GCSEs and I've been trying to figure out which ones are right for me. Forget about school, its the weekend! How have you been?" I chattered , realising I'd probably said too much too quickly...

"Busy too," he replied, casually dismissing my strange behaviour. "School's impossible to forget about," Derek sighed.

"I did two tests this week, I kind of freaked out at first 'cause they were like an hour each! But luckily, I recovered near the end. Just in time to write some proper answers," he chuckled uncertainly, looking distant.

I had been studying him whilst he was talking, taking in how much he'd changed. I noticed he had grown. Again. This time a lot more bigger than me. I remembered the weird competions we used to have to see who was the tallest. I always won then, but now I don't think I would now.

His eyes were as mischievous as ever,still glinting juvenile in a way...Snap he'd caught me! I glanced away hastily, hoping that he hadn't really spotted me.

"Errr....so yeah that's what I have been up to," He added. There was a minute or so of awkward silence. I stared intently at the light blue walls.

Derek's P.O.V

Hannah was sitting there, glancing around the room as if the solution to solve the awkwardness was written there somewhere on the ceiling. Strangely enough she was wearing a blue T-shirt similar to the walls. On the back it read,

"Trust me, I'm the Doctor"

She was Whovian too! Then again I shouldn't be suprised. Hannah was the only girl I knew that could sit in front of the Xbox, and attentively watch Call Of Duty, asking me about the graphics and different weapons on it.

Arrgh, I'm getting distracted again. I had to break the silence quickly. Say something!

"According to my mum, you need some help on some maths, right?" I asked, eyebrows raised. Really? Maths? Well done Derek!


Hannah's P.O.V

I laughed, amused by the sudden change of subject.

"Yeah, tons of it!" I responed brightly , and almost immediately felt very dumb  because my lack of knowledge on the subject also known as Mathematics. 

"Well, I guess you're in luck then! I've been doing heaps of maths revision and I'm quite confident that I'll be able to help you," Derek stated, with a sort of braggy tone to it.

"No matter how helpless," he muttered with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. I'm certain he wanted me to hear that actually.Someone's looking for trouble...

He got up and wandered over to his study table.

" What was that?" I questioned following him.

"Nothing your majesty," he replied all innocently.

"Hmph," was the only sound I made whilst pouting . Derek laughed a little and opened up a maths text book to the contents.

"Come on, don't be such a wuss. What shall we do then?" he asked.


Was that a bit longer? I hope so anyway :) Thanks for sticking with me. I'm starting to find it a bit easier to write

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Thanks again  

Temmy :D

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