Dozy, cozy

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Hannah's P.O.V

Half-term break was miserable. I stayed locked up in my room, only coming down for a glass of water or snacks. I think everyone could feel that something was wrong with me but I didn't dare say that I'd seen Derek kissing some random slut to my parents, could I ? That would be way too awkward.

And I didn't switch my phone on either, so I missed calls from Maria as well as Derek.

At times during the afternoons, someone would come and knock at the door. I knew it was Derek and always faked being asleep. Sometimes, Mum would let him in, thinking I'd wake up when he came to my room. But I just ignored him. He'd just sit on the edge on my bed in silence, hoping for me to talk to him. I still feigned sleep though. And he'd leave after ten minutes or so.


On Wednesday, my brother ran up to my room, rammed the door and yelled,

"Hannah! We're going into London on Friday! Mum says we're gonna go on the London Eye thing!" and then he ran off again.

Did I really want to go to central London? Its so busy there, I don't cope well with loads of people about. But it has been a while since I'd been on a family trip. 

We've all been so busy!

I sighed as I put my book down ( I decided to re-read the Harry Potter series again) and wandered over to my wardrobe. What to wear ?

I gave up in the end and went down to my mum.

" Oh, you've left your room? " she asked. I just nodded. "I guess you heard your brother then? Well we decided to head off to London to cheer you up, if that's ok,"

"What do you mean 'we' ?"

" Oh Clara and I,"

"Clara? As in Derek's mum?"

"Of course. What's wrong with that?"


"Oh, nothing,"

"Great. We're going on Friday,"

"Brilliant!," I said sarcastically. I stuck some bread in the toaster and leant on the work top.

The exact same place where Derek and I were...

"Stop it! You're gonna have to see him sooner or later" I mentally noted. Maybe sooner than I would have liked.

I gasped as the toast popped out of the machine.My mum was still in the kitchen.

" It's just toast Hannah," she told me in an amused tone.

" I know," I retorted, snatching the toast out. " I'm just th- ow!" I screeched, dropping the scorching piece of bread.

"It's hot," my mum sang as she left.

I blew on my fingers " You don't say," I muttered.


Friday Morning

I was still in bed. My brother was running around the house screaming,

" We're going London today! We're going to London today!"

I groaned, tugging the pillow over my head. I still hadn't got anything ready to wear! So I rolled out of bed and dragged myself over to the wardrobe again.

Eventually, after pushing the hangers back and forth on the rail, I picked out a purple sleeveless blouse and a pair of denim shorts. I'm not really a "fashion-person", I just have my own style I guess. After I placed them on my bed, I went to brush my teeth and shower.

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