The eye

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Hannah's P.O.V

We'd managed to catch up with everyone else, blaming our disappearance on me needing to go to the toilet. Mum had nodded, and announced that we were going to leave the park but come back for lunch. So we headed off towards one of the many exits.


After about 10 minutes of navigating through, the busy streets, John and Francis were starting to get bored of the scenery.

"Where are we going?"

" When are we going to get there?"

"I'm tired!"

" My feet hurt!"

" I need to pee!"

And it was all starting to get on my nerves.

" Can you two shut the hell up!" I snapped. Everyone, including the strangers, turned around to look where this outburst had come from. My mum was either very embarrassed or absolutely furious-- most likely both.

" Hannah, what is wrong with you?! We are just trying to have a pleasant day out. Can't you allow us that just once? You're getting real selfish these days...someone needs to remind you that it isn't actually all about you. Is that clear? No more mishaps or you'll be grounded when we get home. Understood?"

I was gobsmacked. That whole rant had taken place in the middle of London, in the midst of curious onlookers and...Derek.

Mortified, I nodded and kept my head down, trying to hide the tears in my eyes from them.

Mum walked on ahead, leaving Derek's mum , the boys and I behind. Derek's mum gave me a sympathetic look and hurried to go and slow down my mother.

Derek, who'd been beside me the whole time, discretely squezzed my hand to comfort me.

" Sorry Hannah," John said quickly.

" Yeah, sorry," Francis added on. They too sped up, getting away from the scene as fast as they could.

Some weird people were still watching, as if it had all been a theatrical peformance put on for their entertainment. But I was still rooted to the spot in shock.

" Come on Han, lets go," Derek murmured, attempting to lead me away. I didn't really hear him properly. Derek looked up, as if only noticing the people surrounding us. His grip on my hand tightened again.

" Sorry to disappoint you all but the show is over. Get it? O-Ver. So would you care to carry on with your boring lives and leave us alone? Thank you," Derek said through gritted teeth.

All of them dispersed except this one guy. He was obviously a homeless person- the rags that covered him proved it. It seemed to really tick Derek off, the fact that he hadn't gone.

Derek let go off my hand and boldly strode over to the guy.

" I said disappear! Don't you understand?" Derek inquired.

The old man just smiled.

"Go. Away." Derek said slowly. The man nodded, still smiling, and stood back letting us past him. Derek reached for my hand and lead us away swiftly.

Once we were out of earshot, I started to laugh. Derek gave me an incredulous look.

" How can you laugh at something like that?" he asked.

" How can you not?" I managed to reply. " Did you see his face? Definitely something that should go on Russell Howard, don't you think?" I joked. Derek thought for a few seconds.

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