Sneaking away unnoticed...

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Derek's P.O.V

I had to leave everyone quickly to get a bit more revision in. I doubted I would now Hannah was here though. I mean, is she psychic or something? That would be seriously spooky ...

I sped up two narrow flights of stairs to the top floor where my room was, shutting the door gently behind myself. I scanned the room for a bit.

You see, we'd recently converted our attic into a new floor with two rooms on it, including mine. I had a really cool window that took up most of the wall with a window seat, looking out to the street and over the numerous roofs in the surrounding area.

It distracts me a lot.

Taking a seat behind my desk , I carried on cramming all information in, doing my best to ignore the noises from downstairs.

But something was telling me I wasn't going to get a lot done tonight. Well...

Hannah's P.O.V

Derek had disappeared.

I'd only just noticed because we had been playing Mario Kart on the Wii and it had taken me a few races to realise he wasn't there. I passed the controller over to my brother and pretended to be interested for a few minutes. Francis and John were so engrossed in their game, but that didn't surprise me. Fortunately, since their eyed were glued to the screen, it gave me a chance to sneak away quietly.

I walked casually on the landing, being careful on the bit I've slipped on so many times. I did my best to stay neutral, so nobody would question my departure. On the outside, I was cool, calm and collected. But on the inside, I was buzzing! Butterflies, no a whole zoo was running riot inside me.

Navigating to Derek's room wasn't too hard; it was just up some new stairs that definitely weren't there last time. One door was closed so I assumed it was his. I pushed the door open carefully so I didn't disturb him. He was sitting at his desk with all sorts of books scattered on it and the floor.

Derek didn't hear me come in.

He was listening to music through some earphones. I stood in the doorframe for a moment, not daring to cross the "threshold".

Trying to decide whether to bother him or not...


I'm sorry that my chapters are always so short. I'm just not sure what to put in them at the moment... :)

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Temmy xxxx

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