Trafalgar square

767 18 9

Derek P.O.V

We got off at London Bridge station. Everyone else had got off before us because Hannah was still asleep and I was trying to wake her up. I shook her shoulder,

"Han, we're here now. They've got off and left us," I whispered in her ear. She muttered something whilst stirring from her sleep.

"What did you say?" I asked her. Her eyes snapped open at the sound of my voice. I smiled a little, thinking that she would remember the moment we'd had earlier on the journey. But I was wrong. Her eyes didn't sparkle the same way they did whenever we shared eye contact. Instead, they were flecked with distrust and a hint of betrayal.

And that hurt.

Hannah stood up and swung her shoulder bag on. Then she squeezed past me and headed to the train exit without saying a word. I sighed sadly and slowly followed after her, dragging my Vans along the floor.

Outside, all of them were getting hyped up about the day. What to see, what to do, where to go. I just felt empty inside. Though I noticed that Hannah was more quiet than usual, which was understandable. I didn't want her to be unhappy just because of that stupid thing that happened. But she didn't want to talk.

We were both suffering in silence.

"Alright everyone!" my mum yelled over the loud chatter of the station. "We've decided to go towards Trafalgar square, that is if no one has any objections?" I snuck a peek at Hannah. She was absent-mindedly fiddling with wristbands that adorned her wrist.

"Guys! We are waiting for an answer," mum said irritably.

" Nope,"

" No,"

We said in unison. Unintentionally of course but it made me smile a little.

Maybe there's still hope?

Hannah's P.O.V

I couldn't look Derek in the eye. I had a feeling that I'd just start crying or something silly like that. And that would be way too awkward.

I remembered how warm and safe I'd felt in Derek's arms on the way here. But events kept playing in my head whilst I slept, making me doubt him even more. They seemed so vivid, almost realistic. Anyone else would just brush them off. "Its just a dream" they'd say. But I think a dream can sometimes tell you of the future. And mine didn't look so bright with Derek, unfortunately...

When we answered at the same time, I felt my face starting to flush again. So I bent my head down slightly and busied my self with rearranging the bands on my wrists for the twentieth time.

" Great, lets head off then!" his mum replied. And with that we went towards the station exit, with all of them ahead of me except Derek, who trailed behind.

Leaving the train platform area, we ended up in the main station.It was lightly lit and was filled with tourists and other vistors bustling about. The smell of coffee and freshly baked goodies wafted past us all. On a large screen, hundreds of train times were being listed and next to that was a smaller screen that was broadcasting the news. Police men and women ,in high-visibility jackets, were dotted about the place, keeping a look out for troublemakers.

Derek stood next to me, also taking everything in. There was so much going on in the place! But I felt that he was edging a bit too close for my liking. So I casually strolled forward, leaving him behind. The station was overwhelming me a bit though. I needed to get out onto the streets.

And it turns out, they weren't that much better either! Lots of people were about as well as kids like us, because of the school holidays. Black cabs were lined up outside the station. Expensive looking cars and the iconic red Double-Decker buses were going up and down the main road.

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