Count to Ten

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Hallo everyone! how art thou? Sorry, we've been going through Shakespeare at school! Anyway, on with the show!

I'm dedicating this to my great friend: sabahxxx! Check her story out, especially if you are a fan of Dr Who or/and Matt Smith ;)

Hope ya like!!!! :p

Hannah's P.O.V

We had gone through fractions, indicies,Pythagoras... To be honest, they were annoying the hell out of me but I knew that I was taking up Derek's time so I kept thinking "might as well try" , and got on with it.

Derek's P.O.V

I didn't really mind helping Hannah. Seeing as I found most of this stuff easy anyway, I might as well "share my knowledge" with her . Yeah, right..

It was also quite interesting to watch her try to answer some problems that I'd found for her. Ha, who am I kidding? I'd find any excuse to spend time with her. But still...

I studied her intently, watching as her eyebrows creased whilst she fumbled over a question. And how she chewed her pen in frustration when something seemed too hard. I did help her with the questions though; I'm not that mean!

After a few minutes of observing her, I noticed a strand of her long hair was out of place.

So I leant towards her...

Hannah's P.O.V

Now we were moving on to algebra. I was working away, trying to solve some gibberish-like equation when I felt a warm hand tuck a hair behind my ear. I looked up to see Derek gazing intently at me.

Oh God, he's got that look again

I thought to myself, referring to the dreamy, longing look that he gave me a few months back. I'd been a little creeped out by it, but every time I remember his expression, I always feel a fluttery feeling in my tummy.

"What's up?" I mumbled, almost inaudible.

"Nothing much...except the roof, the moon and the stars," he whispered quitely.

"You aren't serious," I giggled nervously, also turning to his monster of a window. I turned back to the desk but Derek had beat me to it. He was staring at me.


Derek's P.O.V

Hannah was quite startled when she turned back to the table. She hadn't noticed when I'd turned back to the desk. Probably too busy looking up at the sky.

I told you it was distracting.

Once she was facing me, there were a couple of seconds of silence. I tried to look into her eyes to detect how she was feeling but they kept darting around like a lost, scared puppy.

A cute one at that...

Hannah's P.O.V

"Here, maybe this will help," Derek pronounced somewhat slowly.

"Close your eyes and count to ten. At ten open them again. I'll tell you what to do from there," he said mysteriously.

"Erm, OK then," I replied uncertainly. "But how's this supposed to help?"

"Its a calming technique that I use a lot. It should help clear you head a bit," he muttered.

"Fine. I'll start counting now," I told him. I inhaled and exhaled briefly.






I heard some papers rustling on the desk. "How's this going to help!" I thought again.


I felt hot air breeze onto my face,


I my eyes snapped open. Derek was directly in front of me, our noses almost touching.

He was getting nearer by the nano-second.

"Just. Tell. Me. To. Stop" he murmured ...


Quack! How's that??? Will they? Won't they? Well you have to wait for the next update to find out!

There's a picture of Laurie Duncan, he's Derek...But I need an actress to play Hannah...any ideas????

Bye for now! B-)


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