St James'

746 13 5

Derek's P.O.V

I eventually caught up with Hannah. Though by the time I did. She was already standing beside our mums, probably wanting to go home. Francis and John were tossing coins into one of the fountains, trying to see who could get theirs the furthest. I cleared my throat loudly, gaining my mother's attention.

"What is it Derek?" she asked absent-mindedly; she was busy keeping an eye on Francis, in case he fell in the fountain.

" Can we go somewhere else now?"

Mum looked away from the square and toward me.

"We were just about to go!" she answered. "We're just waiting for Francis and John to HURRY UP! And we can go," mum finished, smiling at me.

"Okaayy then..." I replied uncertainly, quickly glancing at Hannah for a second or two before looking away.

A few minutes after mum had made that strange outburst, I heard the furious pattering of trainers on concrete, belonging to John and Francis. They were both breathless but they looked really happy.

"Now that everyone's here, we'll head off to the Park," Hannah's mum announced; She was tapping away on her phone, probably making sure we were on time or something.

"Yessssssss!" whooped Francis

"A park?!" John asked excitedly

"Where is it?" they said in unison. And they managed to say that all in one breath! Oh wow...

I decided to tell them the cruel truth that was hidden from me all those years ago,

"Guys, you do realise its not like that kind of park with swings and slides and stuff, right? Its just full of boring old statues and short grass, with tourists wandering everywhere and ancient trees and-"

"Derek! That's enough thank you," my mum interrupted.

What? I was just helping!

"Fine," I snapped, shoving my hands in my pockets. A faint giggle sounded from Hannah's direction. It stopped as soon as the noise escaped her mouth; she tried to disguise it with a cough.


"Right, firstly we're going to-" and I tuned out after 30 seconds or so. Argh. Why is Hannah being so difficult? I'm trying my best to make her smile and have fun but different events take place, and they push us further away from each other...

But I don't want to lose her.

Ha, that's cheesy Derek! Even for you. I said she wasn't worth it!

Fuck off!

I think I have lost my mind...

"Earth to Derek! Hellllooo!" Francis sang, stretching his arm up so he was able to wave it in front of my face ( he is quite small compared to me). As I looked up, I noticed that all the rest of them had already headed off to the park. Francis had probably come back, realising that I was still dwadling in the square.

" Oh, erm. Ok, hi?" I stuttered, still trying to think of something to g-

" Come on you lazy dog! What's wrong with you? If we don't go now, we are certainly going to lose them all. And I do not like the idea of getting lost in a city like London!" Francis lectured me. Me! I'm like double his age and he's telling me to pull myself together. Then again, he was right.

I sighed.

" Alright then. Lets go catch up with them. Though it seems they've already crossed the road. But we'll be fine, ok?" I reassured him. Or was I reassuring myself?

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