Midnight memories

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Derek's P.O.V

I'm back on that hillside. Things are noticeably...different.

I think.

Well, the weather has certainly changed. I'm engulfed in a blue-grey fog, like someone has pulled a cloudy blanket over the landscape.

This time I'm sitting with my back against a tree. Its quite small, this tree. Probably a baby one.

Can you get baby trees? Its not crying, so how is it a baby?

Never mind...

I still can't move my legs though. But there isn't really anywhere to go. Well...I don't know anywhere that I could go. So I don't panic. There isn't any immediate danger.

I shut my eyes and begin humming some song. It echoes eerily around me, but I overlook it. I like this song actually. What is it?  How do I know it so well?

I wonder where that girl from earlier went. We were having  a really good time! ! She was such a good dancer! Tango and all...that...

Wait, how can I dance if my legs don't move? And I swear I'm a terrible dancer....I hate dancing. So what was I doing dancing with a stranger without moving legs??? Or maybe I dreamt that--the dancing part. There definitely was a girl here. I sigh, doing my best to try and visualise her face.

It's impossible. And I've just given myself a headache. Maybe I should just go back to sleep. I deserve it. I'm so tired, I'm always tired. And weak.

But I don't know why.

My eyes are closing on their own accord. But I can't fall asleep, which infuriates me. I yell in anger.

"Ahem...", someone clears their throat. I open my eyes.

A girl again! However, something is slightly different.

"Oh, er, hi," I stutter. She sort of glides over to me and sits down. I'm slightly unnerved. She smiles side ways on and replies to my greeting.

" So what are you doing here, by yourself? "she wonders, shuffling closer to me. I attempted to edge away, but it seems like the paralysis in my legs have spread upwards and I now had no control of my lower body.

I swallow the bile that's been building up inside me. I was right to feel scared, it's not normal for someone to come onto you at first sight. And the immobility of my legs made me feel vulnerable.

" Er, well...I...er...I'm not sure...no wait...er...I don't know...I think," she slaps her hand over my mouth. I'm shocked into silence.

" Don't worry. I think you're funny. What's your name, hmm?" she practically purred. That us never a good sign. Nevertheless, I give her my name, in hope she'll leave me alone. I couldn't have been more wrong.

She trails her long, painted fingers across my jawline. I shudder in disgust, but she doesn't see it like that.

"That's cute Derek. I wonder if I can shake you more, huh?" I do not like the sound of that.

"N-n-no thank you. I'm ok. I'm, we just waiting for someone," I can feel the panic thrashing inside me. This is certainly not the girl from earlier.

" Aw," she pouts sadly " And who might that be?" she asks politely. I don't look at her from the corner of my eye, I can see that she's biting her lip.

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