Mario Kart?

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Derek's P.O.V

I swear, it couldn't have gotten much better than this! We were all alone, with everyone else far, far away. And caught up in our own little bubble. Hannah looked so scared. I was suprised when she didn't realise what I had been hinting on.

Then again, she is really innocent. I remember her telling me a few years ago about having a boyfriend. She was worried that he may not stay with her for long or play board games with her when she wanted.

Well, she was only 9 back then. But hey; she doesn't seem to want much. I could make her happy...

Hannah's P.O.V

"Just. Tell. Me. To. Stop," he drawled.

I didn't say a word.

His lips met mine, softly at first, cautious in case I pulled away. But I kissed him back. Derek made a small, low sound of pleasure, probably happy that I didn't reject him. He pulled me closer to himself deepening the kiss. I was suprised.

I never thought that he'd want me so badly...

I closed my eyes enjoying it, not wanting to break the spell... But I had to.

I kept my eyes closed savouring my first kiss. Then I looked up at him. We grinned at each other.

"Wow," was all I could utter. I had no idea where to look so I stared intently on my fingers. I snuck a glance at Derek- he had the same sort of expression on his face. Though it seemed that a little bit of achievement was there too...

I smiled again, remembering the bet we had when we were younger

*Seven years earlier(2006)*

Hannah's P.O.V

We were lying in Derek's room, side by side, on the floor. It had been raining for hours (typical British weather) and we had already gotten bored of the television. So we started up a game of 'Bets' .

"I bet... that England will win the world cup this year," I told him.

"No way that's gonna happen! Spain--No! Brazil's the best," He replied.

"True, true," I agreed. "But there's always Germany! Anyway, it's your go!"

"Ok ok, let me think...I bet thaaat...I can beat you in a water fight, with guns and everything!" young Derek enthused.

"! The rain would win against both of us!" I agrued. We both giggled at that. Then Derek started sniggering.

"What's so funny?" I asked. He didn't answer me. "Oi, laugh-fy boy what is it?" I said again, really annoyed that I wasn't in on the joke. Derek took a recovering breath and sighed.

"I bet... I'll be your first kiss," Derek told me, still grinning.

"Yuck! No way. I would rather kiss-" I hesitated, looking around the room for inspiration. I spotted a chocolate brown toy in the corner of the room.

" I'd rather kiss Scooby-doo than you!" I replied triumphantly, sticking my tongue out.

"But he's a dog," Derek said, his facial expression suddenly falling.

"Exactly," I smirked.

*Present day*

Derek's P.O.V

I heard feet thumping up the stairs. Hannah and I glanced at each other quickly before I darted over to the door.

I locked it.

Just in time too; they tried the handle first. Thank goodness we came out of our kiss before. I'd have no way of keeping whovever it was quiet. How would we get out of that one?

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