Sweet dreams Derek

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Derek's P.O.V

Hannah and I lay in each other's arms for a while longer. I think she even nodded off a bit! But I didn't mind. Her even breath was really relaxing.

I loved how vulnerable and relaxed she looked.I kissed her gently as to not wake her up. Sighing contentedly, I began to stroke her dark hair again.

Hannah's P.O.V

I was woken up by an irritable knocking on the door. My eyes snapped open and found Derek sleeping peacefully beside me with a protective arm wrapped around my middle. I smiled to at the sight.

Then the annoying knock came again.

"Come on Hannah, you can stop your revising now! We're going!" My brother sang from the other side of the door. I looked back at Derek. He was awake now,but was struggling to overcome the daze of waking up.

My brother rammed once more, for luck probably, and scampered away. I really didn't want to leave. And judging by the look on Derek's face, he didn't want me to go either.

#You're a trouble maker, trouble maker...#

My phone started to ring. It was my mum being quite lazy. What happened to good old fashioned yelling-up-the-stairs? I did a double take when I spotted the time; It was nine o'clock! How did time pass so quickly? How long were we alseep for?

Shut up Hannah, Its not like its the first we'd fallen asleep together, I told my self off sharply. When we were younger, we'd always crash into deep sleeps in the most randomest of places. Once we fell asleep in the cupboard under the stairs (we'd been playing Harry Potter). Our mums were very worried when they couldn't find us. We'd found that quite funny when they discovered us--hours later.

I snapped back from my daydream. And I caught Derek just staring at me. I had a feeling he wanted to say something but I was getting really uncomfortable under his gaze. I tried to humour him,

"You've really got to stop staring at me like that! It's as if you're witnessing the most beautiful spectacle on Earth! And I'm certainly not that," I giggled, nudging him playfully.

"What? I just can't help myself. You're gonna have to blame my heart," he replied. I smirked.

"Too cheesy?" he asked.

"A tad bit," I uttered a little too quickly.

"Though cheese is great! I love cheese who doesn't love cheese? I like cheese with pizza and in my sandwiches and on toast, especially on toast b-" Derek cut off my crazy rambling with a kiss. I swear, I don't know when I'll get used to that. Its so strange, but in a nice, pleasurable way. He broke away a few seconds after.

"Sorry," I apoligised sheepishly.

"Don't, I think its cute," he whispered. I felt my cheeks burning. I suddenly took interest in my phone, locking and unlocking it, just looking for something to occupy me whilst his comment sank in.

I don't think I can deal with direct confessions like that. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say anything back, so I just concentrated on the smartphone, not saying a word. I could feel Derek's gaze burning into my back, probably waiting for my reply. When it dawned on him I wasn't going to say something, he took my phone from my hands and started fiddling with the screen.

" Hey!" I objected trying to snatch it back.

" Haven't you heard the phrase: 'Hay is for horses' ? "

I gave him a withering look.

"Ok, ok! I'm joking. I noticed that I always seem to forget to give you my number for some reason," he explained.

"Oh. Well I guess that's true," I chuckled.

"Now you can text me any time you like, yeah?" he asked somewhat hopefully.

" Of course," I replied, pulling him in for another cuddle.

Derek's P.O.V

"Hurry up Hannah!" We heard John yell from downstairs. She reluctantly let go of me and headed towards the door whilst smoothing her hair down. I moved quickly towards the door to unlock it. My brother was standing there with a lollipop in his mouth.

"Why'd you lock the door Derek?" he enquired all innocently. But that was only because Hannah was there. He's a crazy devil in reality.

"Yous lot would disturb our studying," I replied with a knowing smirk.

"Yeah, all those numbers need lots of attention," Hannah added, playing along.

"I'll never understand you teenagers and your...Homework," he grumbled, darting down the stairs. 

I was too caught up with thinking of some revenge task I could inflict on my brother later. Just in time, I noticed that Hannah was heading towards the stairs. I swiftly put my arms around her waist, restraining her movement, and rested my chin on her shoulder.

Hannah's P.O.V

"Let's not make it too obvious Derek. I mean, how am I supposed to come back if they knew?" I said under my breath.

"Okay fine, for now. But its like I said before," Derek mumbled quietly.

" I. Just. Can't. Help. Myself," he said, pronouncing each word carefully with a voice I'd never heard in my time of knowing him; Daring, with a sexy edge to it.

He let me go. I just laughed quietly to my self and wandered down the stairs.


Hannah's P.O.V

In the car my text notification came up:

1 New Message from Derek

I'd only just left! I still opened up the text though:

I can't get you out of my head. 

And I really need to- I've got a  

test tomoz!

I chuckled to my self and texted back: 

Sweet dreams Derek ;D

Our evening together kept playing through my mind when I got home. How could I have been so blind to see that this boy had feelings for me? Why did it take so long?

My phone kept on vibrating in my pocket because it was getting cartloads of texts from Derek. I hadn't replied because my brother was nearby.

"What the hell Hannah! Answer your phone! Its driving me crazy!" he ranted.

"Phone? What phone?" I teased hoping he would be driven out of my room. He did leave eventually, muttering curses under his breath. I started to text Derek back. 

Derek! You'll waste credit :)

I'm on contract ;)

Was his quick reply. I sighed longingly.

LOL. You have to leave 

me alone now, u hav a test  


I know, sorry xxx

I smiled at that. 3 x's on the end? Haha.

Nite 'n good luckxxx

I texted back, not adding an extra x. That would be weird... 

Thanks, nite to you to x 

Derek sent back, probably catching on to my leaving out of the 'x' .

I eventually fell asleep with my phone clutched between my hands.


Rwarghh!!!! I hope that was an ok place to leave it! Thanks for sticking with me!

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