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Hannah's P.O.V

I made sure that his eyes were shut. Then I slowly slid down to the floor and picked up my one year old Jack Russell, Harry who had just padded out from the living room. Still crouched down, I lifted Harry above my head, right in front of Derek's lips. Being as adorable as he is, little Harry started licking Derek's face.

His eyes snapped open after a second. That was one of the worst pranks I'd ever pulled on Derek. His face was an absolute picture!

I quickly put a very wriggly Harry down in case I dropped him. I was laughing so hard, that tears started rolling down my cheeks. Derek was wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

"What was that for?" he whined. When I finally recovered, I explained my reasons for my uncalled antics.

"You blanked me at Lee's today. Totally ignored me! And to make it worse, you didn't even say goodbye. So what have you got to say for yourself?" I questioned, dramatically putting my hands on my hips.

"Well?" I urged.

"Errr, when did you get a dog?" he asked gesturing at Harry. I growled, causing Derek to step back and raise his hands in defence.

"Woah tiger. I'm joking. I meant to say sorry. I just didn't want you to see me hanging out with those idiots. I was afraid you'd think I'm exactly like them. Sorry?" he concluded uncertainly.

"I accept your apology. And its tigeress to you," I replied, tapping his nose affectionately. "I really need to get changed though. Keep Harry company for me will you?" I called as I went to find some dry clothes.

Derek's P.O.V

Such a feisty little thing. And I'm not just talking about the dog! I really need to watch my back though.

After about 5 minutes of mucking around with Harry, I decided to go see if Hannah'd finished changing. I opened the door a crack to see if she'd done. But after a quick scan through the gap, I realised she wasn't in the room. I nudged the door open a bit wider to confirm that she wasn't there. I was just about to turn around and call for her when out of nowhere, Hannah charges into me from behind. I was too shocked to retaliate and so we ended up tangled together on her bed.

"That..was...for..before...When I...ask for a...rematch...I'll get it," Hannah said breathlessly. I started to chuckle.

"You can certainly hold a grudge, huh Hannah?" I said.

"Shut up," she replied, slipping her arm around me.

"Or maybe I'll be bad more often seeing as I get tackled everytime," I murmmed. Its just like old times again: teasing each other, the pranks. But I think I prefer the present day to back then. I brought Hannah even closer to myself.

"So who was your first kiss Hannah? Did Scooby get in before anyone else?" I asked whilst running my fingers through her hair. She lifted her head up carefully and gazed right into my eyes. Hers kept shifting from a rich honey brown to melted chocolate in the light. She closed them and gently kissed me.

"Does that answer your question?" she asked, raising one eyebrow. I nodded slightly. I'd started caressing her arm. I felt her go limp and sigh with pleasure. God, that made me feel all weird.

"Turn around Hannah," I whispered. And she did.

I put my arms around her and squeezed her gently. Moving one hand up, I felt for her heart. I found it easily enough because it was beating quite rapidly. I stroked her arm, in hope of calming her down.

"Don't be scared Han. I'm right here. Shhhh," I muttered over and over again. I began to kiss her neck, slowly and gently at first. But I think it was her moans and sighs of pleasure that really turned me on. My soft kisses turned into small bites. I cautious though, hoping that I didn't hurt her too badly. But I swear, I've never wanted someone this bad. Heck, I don't think anyone has! There's probably something wrong with me. But I don't really give a damn.Hannah was OK so I was great. Ecstatic even.

She was...Mine.


Hiya everyone! sorry the update was late. I haven't been well over the weekend but I hope it was worth the wait.



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