Train station

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Hannah's P.O.V

After ten minutes or so of going into Waterloo, we finally found out our train was due in ten minutes.The reason I said "finally" was because it took ages for us to realise there was a help/information desk. We had been asking random strangers for help, but I guess felt like we were  wasting their time. Oh well.

All that walking around seemed to have taken its toll on me. I could feel my eyes drooping whilst we were waiting about , obviously showing that I was about to nod off. Derek had noticed that I was practically falling asleep on my feet so he drew me closer to himself, taking most of my weight. I acknowledged his gesture with a smile, resting my head on his shoulder and enjoying the warmth his arms provided. We didn't talk, much. Nothing really needed to be said.

I was still day-dreaming about the comfortable seats and the gentle rocking motion of the train, when it arrived. Derek led me on the train, steering us to some vacant seats.

Through my foggy state, I noticed that the train was kind of different to the last one. There were tables separating double seats from each other, with a spacious aisle dividing the two halves. We must have boarded first class or something.

Wait, first class???

I knew that's seriously expensive and I tried relaying this information to Derek. But he just hushed me and rubbed my back more in order to calm me down. I gave up and embraced the luxury of it all.

Derek ushered me into a seat and sat opposite so he could see me clearly. I still couldn't think straight and badly wanted to rest my head on the table and drift into dream land. I  just felt that wouldn't be fair on Derek. So I did my best to stay awake. However, my 'best' wasn't good enough.

" Hannah. I can see you are about to fall asleep any second now. So I suggest you just lay your head on that table and get a few minutes of sleep, ok? " he stated. I nodded at him gratefully and placed my head over my crossed arms that had been resting on the table. I heard Derek chuckle a bit. His hands caressed my hair again as everything became quieter and peaceful and dark...

Derek P.O.V

After a few minutes or so, I heard Hannah's faint, even breath, telling me she was asleep. I smiled at her sleeping form and leant back in my seat, enjoying the scenery that rushed past the train. Ad much as I'd have liked to rest my head by Hannah, I couldn't. First of all, we would probably miss our stop. And secondly, if both of us were out, someone could easily mug us, and I don't really like the idea of having my phone stolen. But I didn't mind.


The train had stopped at so many stations, I was sure that we were nearing our destination.

At one stop, a bunch of boys boarded the train. There were quite a lot of them, being really loud and laughing all the time. But they didn't sound like they just a group of teenage boys getting a train to somewhere. That was obvious from the way they were swinging on the handles attached to the ceiling of the train, for people to hold when there's no seats available.

I kept my head low, and hoped they wouldn't spot us. I didn't want any trouble.

They were still making lots of noise, shouting at themselves even though they were right next to each other. I saw Hannah stir a bit in her sleep. I could feel anger start boiling inside me. Who were they to think they can act like that? It's not like they own the place.

I rose out of my seat without hesitation and strode over to where they were.

"Excuse me. There are some people who would like to have a peaceful journey without you lot spoiling it all so could you like shut up? Thanks," I didn't wait for a response. They all seemed so surprised that I had the guts to stand up to them. As I continued walking away, they suddenly found their voices and began jeering behind my back. I just ignored them.

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