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sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight spicyness warning-


Taehyung P.O.V.-

I woke up and he was still in my arms. I sighed, hugging him tighter, making sure not to wake him.

I had been thinking about their conversation all night. It confused me. Every time I looked over, they looked happy.

If it had only been an apology, then why were they giggling, hugging, smiling at each other? Don't they hate each other? Are they friends now? What are Jungkook's real motives?

My thoughts were cut off by a small whimper. I looked down at Jimin. 

Jimin's face was scrunched up, his face partially lit up by the bright orange-gold tinted streaks of the dawn morning coming through the window. I analyzed his features. Silky messy dark-brown hair, his natural color. Perfect eyebrow shape and form, with a small clean slit through his right eyebrow, same color as his hair. The shape of his nose fit his face perfectly; not too sharp, but not too bubbly. And his lips. His flawless, plump lips. They looked so soft, like clouds. It was as if I could just.. 

His body tensed in my grasp, snapping me out of my examination. He looked as if he was having another nightmare, the same one that he told me he had told me about.

The repeated one where he sees his ex. I hated him. He is the one that made Jimin go down into a spiral, before I knew him.

Jimin whimpers again, making me kiss his temple out of instinct and rub his shoulder. If the man that did this to him, Choi Joowon, ever popped up in our lives again, I swear I would-

Suddenly Jimin jumped up in the bed, making me lose my grasp on him. His forehead was covered in a layer of sweat, his eyes widened. 

"No!" Jimin yelled, immediately hugging his knees and crying. I sat up, worried, and hugged him tightly.

"Shh, shh, he's not here, baby. It was just a dream." He kept crying silently as I rocked back and forth with him in my arms.

It became quiet for a good 5 minutes before we heard thumping down the hall and the door slammed open. My brother, who was half asleep with his light pink robe and slippers on, was tripping into the room at 5 in the morning.

"What happened? Are you okay?"


"Who did it? Where are they?" 


"Who do I need to beat? Because I promise I will-"


"What?!" Jin stared at us with the spatula in his hand, a fiery, yet scared, expression in his eyes. I heard Jimin giggle a little, which made me soften.

"Everything is fine, Jiminie just had a bad dream. You can put your spatula away." I gestured to the spatula, lowering my hand down.

"Oh, alright then." He lowered his hand and started walking over to us, sitting down on the edge of the bed, closer to Jimin. I smiled at him, still rubbing Jimin's shoulder, and he smiled back. But the smile quickly vanished and the oldest started attacking me and Jimin, who was still wiping his red and puffy eyes, with the spatula. It definitely caught me off guard.

"Then why the hell did you yell so loud?! You woke me up and scared the crap out of me! I thought someone broke in, or you guys were hurt! Don't scream so loud if nothing is wrong! I thought one of you fell off of the bed while having-"

"Yah! Okay! We get it! Sorry, hyung!" Jimin said, his face red as his arms were up in defense, covering himself from Jin's spatula, which suddenly stopped coming down and attacking us. 

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