Unity Defend!

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An: This is basically part 2 of the second Arc ending.

Everyone, from Unity, smile at their headmaster/friend all better while Avon and his army are shock at this turn of events.

Avon: "How! I know that he supposed to be dead by now!" He thought.

Will: look at the students and staff "Good they are alright" he thought with relief before glaring at Avon and his army.

Avon: "No matter I will kill him myself" he thought and got ready to attack when suddenly Will summon his keyblade.

Will: "Grand Heaven Melody" he said which cause an aura field that spread throughout Unity Academy.

Immediately a woman start to sing a song that heal all the students, staff and AUD soldiers which restore everything. Upon the end of the song everyone, from Unity and AUD including allies, are fully restored.

Will: "Unity Defend!" He yell as he charge at Avon with everyone, from Unity, AUD and allies, attacking Avon army.

An: because of an error whenever I try to show a link I will do the titles of each oc/reader theme song.

Y/N Omega Theme song: Megatron battle.

Omega fight the Jnpr again but this time he have the advantage.

He uppercut Jaune, slam dump Nora, body slam Ren, and finally jump kick Pyrrha. After defeating them he saw mind control chips planted on their necks which he destroy easy.

Omega: "So that why they weren't themselves they were mind control" he thought.

Y/N Red Hood Theme song: Titans season 3.

Red Hood fight Tween Robin again but he doesn't show any mercy to him.

He beat the living sh*t out of Tween Robin who: lost a few teeth, broke some bones, and got a black eye. Once finish RH stop and saw Tween Robin pass out but RH smirk and took a photo of Tween Robin.

RH: "I'm so going to show this to the others" he thought referring to the other Y/N's and the Bats Family.

Drake Theme song: Batman v Superman Movie.

Drake fight Superman Doomed again and this time he manage to beat Superman Doomed.

He ripped SD spine out of his back and use it to completely crush SD into a puddle of blood.

Drake: "Wow that rage felt completely different" he thought.

Finch and Caboose theme song: Entry Point Shooting Range.

Both Finch and Caboose kill Arthur. K and Johnny Variant with ease.

Finch: "targets" he said.

Caboose: "eliminated" he said.

Zane Theme song: Ultraman Z Original form OST.

Zane perform a final attack on Caroline which reverse the transformation and returning Caroline to human.

Zane: "I don't know how but Will is unleashing some kind of aura that is giving both Unity and their allies a boost" he thought as Caroline was sent flying.

An: like Team Rocket classic villains.

Dylan theme song: Jojo stardust crusaders.

Dylan fight Daigo again but this time he defeat Daigo and kill him by cutting him into pieces.

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