Unity Mini War

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An: This is the first part of the Second Arc ending. So without a further ado let begin.

At Unity Academy.

Currently every students and staff are at the theater where they are completely worry about Headmaster Will. Standing on the stage are the other headmasters and headmistresses as they too are worry about Headmaster Will but they are waiting for Luc to deliver what happened to Will. However not long did Luc enter the room with an rage look in her eyes which surprised everyone as she got on the stage and face everyone.

Luc: "Attention everyone. As you all know Headmaster Will recently got sick but the cause of it is not normal" she said barely containing her rage.

Fluttershy: "You don't mean someone purposely poison Headmaster Will!?" She yell causing many students and staff to get enrage but before Luc could explain a explosion caught their attention.

Everyone rush outside to see an army attacking the academy but leading the army is a few people and one of them are none other then Avon Hertz.

Avon: "Hello Unity Academy" he said.

Celestia: "How dare you attack this academy!" She yell as she start releasing heat from her body.

Avon: "Why I want Will to suffer" he said surprising them.

Moon: "it was you who put Will in that caution!" She said.

Avon: "Well not exactly me but still the same however I want my revenge on him!" He said confusing them.

Luna: "What do you mean by that?!" She said.

Avon: "tsk not only did he stop my attempt of stealing the world nuclear codes but he was always the better one" he said.

Nezu: "Say what?" He said.

Avon: "I was a classmate of Will and no matter where I go he is always taking the spotlight!" He said.


A young Avon show his skills at future technology but Will earth science was beating his technology.

Multiple flashbacks reveal that Will was always in the light while Avon was in the dark with jealousy.

Flashback end.

Sunset: "So this is jealousy over Headmaster Will achievements?" She said.

Avon: "Yes and now his dream of Unity Academy will be gone!" He said as he active a watch which engulfed him in advance armor.

Avon: "Yes and now his dream of Unity Academy will be gone!" He said as he active a watch which engulfed him in advance armor

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An: I don't own the photo so give credit to the original person.

Tony Jr: "Hey that my father designed!" He said.

Avon: "It might be his design but I have modified it to gave my allies a boost!" He said insert a red triangle shape holocron into the suit.

Luc: "A Sith Holocron!" She thought.

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