Part 22

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You exploded the door of the holding cells and walked in with a grin, "I'm looking for Korg."

"Who's asking?" A man made of rocks walked up. "Well I know you're asking. Is anyone else asking or is it just you?"

"The Lord of Thunder sends his best," Valkyrie added as she handed him a huge gun.

Korg caught it and loaded it, "The revolution had begun!"


You sat in the ship with Valkyrie and Bruce as she exploded a ship that was trying to fire at Thor, "Open the doors."

Thor opened the hatch on the bottom of his ship, and Valkyrie did the same on the top of her ship.

She flew under his ship and turned to Bruce, "I hope that you're tougher than you look."

"Why?" He was answered when he was shot out of his seat into Thor's ship. Valkyrie turned to you, "Need a lift?"

You unbuckled yourself and stood up, "Nah I'm good, thanks." You proceeded to teleport out of her ship, onto Thor's, scaring the life out of Bruce.

"Where are the guns on this ship?" Thor asked as another ship tried to shoot them down.

"There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel," Valkyrie informed them over their communication device.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"The Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff," Valkyrie explained.

"Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?" Bruce looked like he was going to throw up.

"Yep," you sighed. This was going to be interesting.

Valkyrie's ship was shot at, and it started to go down. Moments later the entire thing exploded, and while the boys cried, Valkyrie jumped off her ship and landed on yours, "Get inside!"

"In a minute," Valkyrie jumped off once more and jumped from ship to ship, exploding each one before coming back inside yours.

Thor went to help at one point, putting Bruce at the wheel, making you surprised you survived in the end.

Thor and Valkyrie quickly continued to jump across ships, and you watched from a window. You looked around as fireworks started to come out the back of your ship, "What the..."

That helped and confused a lot of ships, making them crash. Thor and Valkyrie got a ship and flew under yours, jumping back in before the hatch was closed.

"Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus!" You announced.

Valkyrie took back over as pilot and brought you all through the wormhole, dodging pieces of scraps.

You fought to stay conscious, as did the rest of the group, but you all fell into unconsciousness as you went through the wormhole, the pressure too much to handle.


You woke up last as the ship was approaching Asgard.

"I thought I'd be a lot nicer," Bruce commented, and you frowned as you took a look at Asgard. You had to imagine it looked a lot better than it did now. "I mean, not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire!"

"Here, up in the mountains. Heat signatures, people clustered together. She's coming for them."

"That's where we go then," you decided.

"Ok, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away," Thor ordered her.

"And get yourself killed?"

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that, Thor?" You grumbled. All of Asgard was not going to fit on this small ship.

"I have a man on the ground," was all Thor said.

A few minutes later, Thor was dropped off at the palace and the jet flew away, closer to the Bifrost.

Valkyrie attached a gun to the ship, and changed into her outfit that Thor had given her, that looked amazing if you didn't say so yourself. She smirked at you and loaded the weapon.

She started to shoot at a huge black wolf blocking the Bifrost. It was blocking the way for the Asgardians to get to the Bifrost.

"This stupid dog won't die!" Valkyrie complained when it just shook off her efforts to shoot it.

Bruce stood up and went to the exit, "Everything's gonna be alright now. I got this. You wanted to know who I am?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You'll see!" Bruce jumped off the ship and you cheered, "You go Bruce! Kill that mutt!"

He fell onto the Bifrost's bridge with a thud, and you frowned, "It usually works."

The wolf stopped to sniff at him, and when Bruce didn't move, the wolf moved on. Moments before the wolf would have killed the Asgardians, Hulk appeared and swung him backwards.

Valkyrie looked shocked, and Hulk roared as he fought the wolf. The two of them fell off the bridge, but you weren't concerned for Hulk. He's tough. The Asgardians fought the revived army, now having faith they could win.

Everyone gasped as fog filled the area, and you had to squint your eyes, before Loki appeared on a ship, "Your savior is here!"

You chuckled, glad he had come through. It was very like him to create a dramatic entrance. He was still wearing his Sakaar outfit, but it was green now instead of turquoise, and had his gold horned helmet on his head.

The ship came closer to the bridge and the Asgardians ran into it, "Everyone, on that ship now!"

You jumped off the ship you and Valkyrie were on, jumping onto the bridge. You pushed through the crowds before finding Loki and jumping into his arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you around, sighing in relief, "You're ok."

You pulled back with a grin, "Of course I'm ok. Did you doubt my skill?"

"Never darling," Loki smirked, letting you down. The two of you pushed out of the crowd to find Heimdall, "Welcome home. I saw you coming."

Loki rolled his eyes, "Of course you did."

The undead Asgardian army started to attack, and you fought back. At first it seemed you would win, but then you started to loose. You had to focus all your energy on dodging attacks, rather than being able to fight back.

Everyone looked back to the palace as lighting hit it, it crumpled to the ground, and Thor flew at you, lighting emitting from him. He, single handedly, killed a lot of the undead army, leveling the playing field.

You looked at Loki who had taken off his helmet and used it to stab the enemy. You smirked as you fought together, back to back. You and Loki worked great together.

When all of the undead army around them was gone, Thor approached you, "You're late," he frowned at Loki.

"And you're missing an eye," Loki shot back.

You groaned as you looked at Thor's missing eye, "Oh Thor that looks horrible."

Valkyrie walked by, interrupting them, "This isn't over."

"I think we should disband the Revengers," Thor stated as the four of you faced Hela.

You all nodded, and Loki said, "Hit her with a lightning blast."

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning!" Thor defended. "It did nothing.

You frowned. She must be really powerful at this point then. Possibly impossible to kill. But you knew that chance when you came. As you looked around, at the people next to you, you realized this would not be a horrible way to die. To die surrounded by friends, protecting Asgard would be an honor. You were prepared to sacrifice your life if it meant everyone could live.

On the other hand, you really hoped it didn't come to that. You quite liked living.

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