Chapter One :)

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Hello I'm Ph33bstaa and this is my first story sorry if it's bad I'm not use to writing stories so I'm writing this as I go along, PLEASE tell me if anything in this story goes against anyone's boundaries and I will remove it immediately... ENJOY <3

(TW mentions of self harm)

Ranboo POV~

I wake up shuffling around in my messy bed, I sit up and hit my head on the roof of my house "Ow!" I mumble quietly, I climb down my bunk bed to see my little sister still sleeping peacefully, I smile and proceed to walk out of our room.

As I walk to the kitchen I see Enderchest laying down on her bed (I don't know Enderchest's gender) I see her yawn before getting up and trotting towards me and rubs against my legs I kneel down and give her a little pat "Goodmoring Enderchest" I say tiredly I get up and walk to the kitchen pantry and grab some pancake mix and filled it up with water and aggressively start shaking the mix as the water and pancake mix mix together making it a good consistantcy.

After I had successfully made a couple pancakes I proceed to shout out to Envy (Ranboos sister) that breakfast is ready I wait as I decorate the pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and some whipped cream, also known as Envy's favourite, I hear heavy footsteps as Envy walks out with her blanket around her rubbing her eyes. "I made your favourite, come sit down!" I say cheerfully as Envy immediately wakes up and runs towards the table as I place the meal in front of her seat.

We both start eating "Hey Boo, when do you think mum and dad are gonna come back from their holiday" she asks cheerfully I had told her that mum and dad had gone on holiday and are gonna come back soon but the I know for a fact they abandoned us when we were kids I didn't want to upset Envy "I'm sure they'll be back eventually," I say forcing a smile on my face. I get up from the table and walk towards our room.

I take off my long-sleeved shirt revealing scars on my wrists that had healed over the past week, I look down shamefully at them as I look at myself in the mirror "Why do I look like this," I proceed to look away from the mirror and continue to get change as I hear my phone ding I grab it and check it's a discord message from Tubbo.

Hey Boss man wanna hang out today with me Tommy and Will?

I read slowly as I think about it I will need to get someone to take care of Envy I could ask Phil. I reply to Tubbo first.

Yeah sure, I just need to find someone to take care of Envy while I'm out, where would you like to meet?

I then scroll through all my dms to find Phil.

Hey Phil, could you possible take care of Envy whilst I go out with Tubbo and friends?

An instant response comes from Tubbo and Phil.

Yeah sure mate, just drop her off and me and Kristin will take care of her :)

Thank you Phil!

Then I went to Tubbo's dms.

Okay! We're all meeting up at the shops and maybe do some recording later if that's okay!

Yep all good, see you soon Tubbo.

I turn off my phone and walk out the room dressed in some casual jeans and a long sleeved top with white and black patterns, I brush my hair between my fingers making sure there was no knots inbetween.

I walk up to Envy who is watching TV "Hey Envy were gonna go drop you off at Phil's and Kristin's house do you wanna go get dressed and meet me at the door" Envy looked at me a smiled "Okay Boo!" she ran to our room as I walked to the door putting my shoes on (Ranboo doesn't wear sunnies and a mask in this story) I grab my keys and scroll through Twitter whist I wait.

Once Envy had arrived at the door I opened up the door and we walked out Envy had a little bag on her back but I didn't question why. We hopped in the car and I started driving to Phil's, on the way I let Envy control the music and she put on her favourite LoveJoy song 'One Day' and we jammed all the way to Phil's house.

One we arrived Envy ran to the door and knocked basically banged on the door I slowly walked to the door as Envy stopped knocking and the door opened revealing Kristin "Hello Ranboo!" Kristin knelt down "Hello Envy good to see you!" she booped Envy's nose making her ears flutter.

Phil eventually got to the door and greeted us "Hello mate, how are you!" I nodded as Envy went inside with Kristin and I was left with Phil "I'm doing alright, thank you again for taking care of Envy Aha," I said with a smile "Oh no worries, I'm pretty sure Kristin will have a blast with her!" Phil chuckled, "Alright I should be going, don't want to keep them waiting!" I say walking off to the road of where I parked "Goodbye mate! Stay safe!" Phil yells to me with his hand in the air, I get in the car and put Wilbur's YCGMA album on as I drove to the shops to meet the others.

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